I’m not sure where to put this so I guess general discussion is the place.
My question is this. When I go out the doors of my house there is this smell around the door area that smells like something died but not quite. I live in Kansas where it is pretty dry most the time and the ground can open up with large cracks.
This time of the year it isn’t dry though. I was thinking that I’m smelling part insectice/termite shield and part large areas (4′ out & 4′ down) of dead soil.
Like the poison killed the soil in that area.
Any ideas out there!
Just a couple ideas:
Ever see the movie 'Tremors'. Walk very carefully.
Other wise do you have any vents near your entrance or maybe a floor drain with a dry trap hooked up to septic?
No vents or dry draps. It is at several entrances. I know the smell of my sewer/septic system. wheew!! Maybe the owner used some farm poison. It wouldn't surprise me if the former owner did. I'll ask a farmer when one visits to see if he can identify the smell.
did ya leave yer boots by the door?
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Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
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This is obviously a guess but I'd look internally. As you pass through the door the air exchange may make the odor more noticable.
In my own home (and I should know better) I left the vent pipe in the attic for about 3 years figuring I'd get to puttin it through the roof someday.
I had a similar phenomenom as I passed in and out.
Once I put the vent pipe out, the smell went away. (took about 2 months to completely go away)
I had something like that once.
Just when you came in the door. No other time. Turns out that's when my nose was the most "unaccustomed" to the smell. After a few minutes it went away - sort of.
A bag of old nasty potatoes in the kitchen cupboard. As soon as I tossed them, the smell went away for good.
anybody been whizing off the porch??????
David ,
Possibly there is a dead possum under your porch or somethin'.