Friend of mine has B&B in Eastern TN. Has well water from 325+ foot well, structure sits on hill 3-400 feet above riverbed approx 3/8 mile away as crow flies. Water stinks, laundry room really stinks. Says he had it tested by water softener Co. (you know who) found no trace of sulfur. Smells like hydrogen sulfide.
What advice does anyone have? Charcoal filter is expensive and might require constant changing of cartridge.
My understanding is that carbon filters are not terribly effective against sulphur.
If the smell is worse on the hot water, it can be improved by changing the anode rod in the water heater. The dealer should be able to sell you a rod of an alternate metal that is less prone to causing the chemical reaction that turns sulphur into hydrogen sulphide which has a rotten egg smell.
As for drinking and cooking, a bottled water cooler for the family and guests.