I am currently in the planning stage of building a foundation for a 12×16 storage shed. Because of an easement and wetlands on my property, the only place I can position the shed is on the side of a hill. This means the back of it need to be supported by some type of column. My plan is to use 9 PT 6×6 posts (3 across the front, middle and back)attached to 42″ deep cement bases. These will be crossed over with 3 each PT 2×8’s. The floor framing of the shed will sit on these. This is similar to the way my builder constructed the deck on my house and it seems very strong.
My questions are:
How do I know if this is strong enough to hold the shed and its contents, including a 600 pound lawn tractor?
What kind of cement do I use to build the column bases?
Thanks in advance.
I am currently in the planning stage of building a foundation for a 12x16 storage shed. Because of an easement and wetlands on my property, the only place I can position the shed is on the side of a hill. This means the back of it need to be supported by some type of column. My plan is to use 9 PT 6x6 posts (3 across the front, middle and back)attached to 42" deep cement bases. These will be crossed over with 3 each PT 2x8's. The floor framing of the shed will sit on these. This is similar to the way my builder constructed the deck on my house and it seems very strong.
My questions are:
How do I know if this is strong enough to hold the shed and its contents, including a 600 pound lawn tractor?
What kind of cement do I use to build the column bases?
Thanks in advance.