Another bad storm blew through last night. I got called in about 2:30 am. No tornados with this one, but 60 to 80 mph straight line winds over a wide area. We have in excess of 160,000 customer w/o electric service. Might be as long as aweek before all are restored.
How about any of you all in Illinoise, Indiana, Kentucky, and others in its path.
Check in and let us know if you are alright.
we had 70 corn is trashed, house is fine, lost some tree branches,power hiccuped on and off a few times...all in all, all is well.
Gunner was stayin SE of me till today, no news on his place.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
Hey Dave,
Glad you're alright (you too, Sphere). I just got my juice back on an hour or so ago. It came back on while I was buying a generator. Lost a freezer full of stuff. Last time that will happen.
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Edited 7/14/2004 4:31 pm ET by greencu
Glad to here yer still with us..
sucks haveing to eat all that ice cream REAL FAST huh? I always get a headache..too bad about the freezer stuff, it does suck.
NO LEAKS on my roof job, only lost a little paper..whew, my 28' alum. ladder has a nice bow now tho', it blew down.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
Lost a freezer full of stuff. Last time that will happen.
You got that right, now that you bought that generator, you'll probably never need it. We had a bad winter storm in the early 90's, lost power for 3 days during a blizzard. Bought the generator later that spring (10kw monster), put in a GenTran unit, and have used it during an outage maybe twice, and that was for no more than 4-5 hours.
I never met a tool I didn't like!
I woke up early and tried to find something on the radio to listen to while I fell back to sleep and got WHAS.
After hearing that was surprised to see you posting. Figured that you would be on call.