STUD FINDERS – What works for you?
Time to catch up on the advances in stud finding. What works for you?
Those new gadgets that detect hot wires and pipes and fun things really work?
I have an old Zircon that can’t find the bathroom and a middle aged one that sorta, kinda indicates a stud might be there. Tried a little Z on a job yesterday and it seemed to find them. Didn’t drill to confirm.
@@@ Find a stud next to an outlet and measure.
@@@ Drill lots of little holes just above the base and hope to hit wood.
@@@ Run a AC razor across the wall. Having a beard, I can’t do this. Tried something that vibrated and could not tell the studs. Plaster walls.
The ToolBear
“Never met a man who couldn’t teach me something.” Anon.
The new Zircon MultiMaster finds the edges and center of wood, metal studs. And is also good for finding metal in concrete, and continuously tracks for live AC. Plus no annoying details or calibration for each job, just four simple settings(slide switch) and bright red screen which is easy to read all the time.
-Justin Fink
FHB Editorial
Spoken by a guy that probably got a free one in the mail ! ! !
Maybe someone can reccomend one that will work reliably on plaster over diamond mesh on walls. The plaster is thick and no amount of tapping, thumping or cussing will work. The old stanley gets all confused by the mesh backing and wont register anything, even a known stud. A magnet is also useless.
So far, I've just used a piffin screw into the plaster anywhere and it holds like a stud but I know there are studs in there somewhere.
Lefty - Lurker without an attitude or a clue
Does you mean Mutiscanner?MuliMaster is Fein tool, from what I heard great, but won't find studs.And which version? MultiScanner, MultiScanner OneStep or MultiSacnner PRO SL?
oops, I meant multiscanner. And the model I tried out was the Onestep, couldn't tell you about the others. We might get this tool into Tools and Materials in an upcoming issue too, just waiting to see how well it does with finding screws in stucco.
-Justin Fink
FHB Editorial
"Studs?!......we don`t need no stinkin` studs!!"
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
You're right.
Studs!? I can't find no stinkin' studs.
There have been walls that looked like they were machine-gunned. 16" O/C?
Covered by cabinets, of course.
We don't need to use no stinkin' 16" O/C! (Consistency, as Emerson noted, is the hobgoblin of little minds.)The ToolBear
"Never met a man who couldn't teach me something." Anon.
so how do you find studs on 16 oc if blue is leaving every other stud out
No it is M.G. that leaves out every other stud.Blue leaves out the other ones.Get those two togther and they will build wall with only top plates and bottom plate.
think how fast framing doors and windows would be that way.someone the other day posted they could frame a garage in 2 hours ,musta been the invisible stud method.think i could get the insp to sign off???larry
I like a 2 1/2 finish nail. It never lies
In old plaster I like a tiny drill bit you look to see if there are any wood fibers in the threads.