Tankless, Point-Of-Use Water Heaters

Has anyone used one of these as the sole source of hot water supply for a shower? (AquaStar, et al) I need to bid a job, attic conversion to a small rental unit over a garage, and if these things work, it’ll be a good solution.
Although the mfgrs. state that it’ll work just dandy, I’ve got my own concerns and need some actual use data. Thanks for any info you may have and take care.
My mother has used one for more than 14 years and been completely satisfied. She has had between two and five people living in the house during that time. No idea what brand she bought. When I visit there, I find the temperature control twitchy, but she says you learn how to adjust it. If I installed one, I would probably put in a 20 gal tank downstream from the tankless, just to even things out. And yes, if you're considering tankless to eliminate the standby losses from a tank, that wouldn't make much sense. But if the goal is endless, effortless hot water ...
Heck, we talk about that every 2 weeks or so around here. Try a quick search for it, and you should find lots of conflicting info................(-:
Lord, if ya can't make me better, don't worry - I'm having a pretty good time as I am.
I was just going to ask a new question when I happened upon this. I'm considering the purchase of a Seisco Tankless electric water heater.
I saw it at a show, and saw a demonstration. I was wondering if anyone has ever installed or used one? Thanks
Ray Schwalb
Ray: I just finished installing a Seisco 28 KW job - top of the line in volume. It will be a power hog. Fits nicely on the wall about 3 ft from my main svc panel. Easy to wire. Does eat circuit breakers, however. Took 4 slots of 60 amp breakers. Guy who sold it to me has one in his house - swears by it. Have had excellent service from them answering questions about installation, etc. Can't wait to fire it up.
If you buy one, open up the case and verify that it has all #10 wires feeding the heater elements. They had a batch go out w/ some undersized wires mixed into the harness. Sent me a new one overnight shipping. Can't beat that.
Don The GlassMasterworks - If it scratches, I etch it!
Thanks for the tip about the undersized wire, and your two cents. I think I'm going to go with a smaller one, the RA-18, for the cabin we have. It would be tempting to go with the top of the line model, as it only costs 15 bucks more, but I have both power and water limitations up there. I'd like to hear how the folks you installed this for like it after a month or so.
Ray: Sorry to be so tardy. Out of town & armpit deep in allligators on a tall giraffe.
Person that has to be happy is ME. (Well, my wife, the highest authority in my land.) It's our own house. Have the electrical inspection tomorrow, so we are getting close to using it.
DonThe GlassMasterworks - If it scratches, I etch it!
My solution was to buy a 180-yr-old house with a direct heater looped through the 60-year old boiler. What could be easier?
Nealz, I just put the Bosch Aqua Star in my new house after talking to lots of thrilled customers. Only downfall so far was running the B-vent in a very awkward location ( Nat Gas). I have 4 kids who like long showers, we have not run out of hot water yet! You may need to pre filter your water if there is any chance of anything at all aside from water being in the lines. It cost about $500 from a local Lowes store. Easy to install! We have a 5 bath house so it gets used a lot! So far so good!! My $ .02 worth!