On our new house we’re having a balcony that cantelevers over the driveway and a roof-top deck that’s situated over a bedroom. Both the balcony and deck were framed with adequate slope (1/4″ or more per foot) and are surrounded by 42″ high parapet walls- no open railing, so scuppers are in order. The decks are very solid with 2 X 12 joists on 12″ centers and 1 1/8″ T&G ply.
I know there are allot of options including some elastomeric membrane, fiberglass, etc. But, how about an asphalt hot mop with troweled and textured mortar? Isn’t that the tried and true method?
I did see the article in FHB about the sheet elastomeric product, but I don’t plan on putting down any addition deck material.
Greetings Jim,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again.
Perhaps it will catch someones attention that can help you with advice.
'Nemo me impune lacesset'
No one will provoke me with impunity
A state-of-the-art product, as far as I know, is Sarnafil, a PVC membrane. You can find info online.