I keep seeing, over and over, that the rotozip is the answer to this job, or the answer to that job, and I just about choke. Mine is a $179 doorstop, and reminder never to buy tools off of the TV. I bought it some two years ago, got the whole package, lots of extra bits, the whole nine, and couldn’t figure a use for it for a few months. I finally brought it out of it’s custom case, all shiny and new, to cut a 4″ circular hole through two T&G pieces of #1 – 1/2″ thick western cedar for a hosebib inside my sauna. IT COULD NOT COMPLETE THE CUT!!!!! The
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Sorry bro. I love mine. MAybe its the price you paid that got to you. I paid around $70 at HD. I dont use it as a precision tool. Cuts openings in drywall for my high hats and outlets. Does a great job of cutting the backs of base cabinets for drain and feed pipes. Hard to deal with tile cuts on tiles that are already up. I've really gotten more then my monies worth from it. The bits are expensive but I found on E bay, I can buy packs of 20 dirt cheap. I love my Roto Zip. Just don't expect more out of it then its worth. Its by far no precision tool but seriously comes in handy. I love mine. When the drywall guys came to hang rock on my 4000 sq ft house each guy had one (minus the guide thats a piece of crap anyway). Keep it in your truck and I know you'll get over the price you paid and mabe a defective one....IS it defective? or youre just Pizzed?
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Edited 10/12/2002 10:13:15 AM ET by Andy Clifford(Andybuildz)
Nope, it's defective. Had I stayed on the phone longer, taken some anger managment classes, I would probably have a new one that does work now. Instead I did something that really made me feel better; I went and bought the Porter Cable model 7309 hand-held plunge router, to suppliment my beefier Makita router. I still sometimes use the bits I got with the rotozip, only with my Dremel. With all that (too much) info, I don't know why I tried the rotozip to begin with! TV! Made for people like me, I guess...(suckerz)
Im sorry for your pain . Let me give you a tip though incase you were to get turned off little routers. If you ever get the chance buy a makita trim router . It is made for formica and trim . Ive found many uses for it . I can hold it in one hand while its working with out fatiuqe. It handles all the real small bits up to a 3/8 round over . The job you were doing was to big for the tool. that wasa job for a 1/2 inch heavy duty drill and a hole saw , or your big router. The makita trim router has quality dripping off it every where , its NICE.
Tim Mooney
That's the same size as the Porter Cable that I bought, or thereabouts. I love it! I don't think that the job was too big for the roto, just a manufacturing defect. Cedar is one of the softest woods that I work with, and this application should not have been too much, from what I saw of the uses. Ah, well, at least I didn't grow dumber out of the process. This is what I tell my wife when the bills come....
"If left is wrong, then right is the only thing left, right?"
I use mine to trim dry wall cut the backs off cabs I used it to cut a sink cut out ,hardibacker..definately need the right bits and take it slowly.
Just buy another one and take the old one back to the big box. I had a simular problem which I ranted about on another thread, had a rotozip, I used it about lightly 3 times it was new, the locking button flew off couldnt find it took it back to the big box. I told them I was in the middle of a job need another one I just wanted to exchange for another one of the same tool( It even had a orange box which is unique to the HD only). They wouldnt do it said It was to late gave they only had a 30 day return exchange onlyon rotozips. They said since I didnt have a reciept they assumed it was longer than 30 days that they couldnt/wouldnt do anything even though it was new, didnt even have a scratch on it. They told me I had to take it back to rotozip. I went and bought another one, swapped rotozips took it back and got my money back. Yea it aient exactly right but I got the job finished. Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
If I remember right it was a while before you got over your pain of that deal . LOL.
Tim Mooney
I suppose thats the one good thing about the box. Returns. I have more lumber and stuff left from the lumber yards from jobs I've done. They want close to 20% restocking fees the basterds. So you got a new RZ huh? Nice. They do come in handy I have to say. Check E Bay for bits. Reallyyyyy cheap there but make sure theyre RZ brand.
Be well
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
I'll wait for the next generation of roto zip. About everyone I've known that has one has trouble with that button flying off.Half of good living is staying out of bad situations, the other half gets so complex I don't deal with it.
I never had a problem with character, people have been telling me I was one ever since I was a kid.
Yes , my button fell off too, I use a 16 p nail when breaking lose bits. Heat and grinding noise, thats normal. My makes an awful racket but its normal. Heat it will get hot real quick. That funny looking depth gage, addon piece of $%^&, its behind the seat. But I luv my rotozip. once you learn how to operate without cutting wild its pretty nice. But I only use mine for drywall, thin plywood and triming door frames. I think it worth the money
As with everything there is a learning curve. Don't get between me and my zip.
So sorry that yours broke and it's now a door stop.
But then again it may be what allows me to go home early with money in my pocket and enjoy a cold one while you toil away at the job.
I love mine. Use it for drywall, radiusing cutouts for sinks. Great tool. The depth set is junk. My button is still intact. Sorry about you misfortune. DanT
Ditto what Dan said.
The depth stop is junk.
Wouldn't ever want to hang drywall again without it, though. A classic is something that everybody wants to have read, and nobody wants to read. [Mark Twain]
I'll give you $20 and postage.
Thanks, all, for the input and the cash offer. I think a good reminder and doorstop is easily worth $20.00, though! I will probably go with Ron's idea of buying another, and switching the two. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, but won't it still end up back in the Rotozip factorie's scrap pile? They'll rebuild the thing for about $12.95 and sell it again, guaranteed. Let them worry about ethics, they're the ones who put it out there, and refused to take it back to begin with!
"If left is wrong, then right is the only thing left, right?"