I’d like to tile my bathroom floor which is currently linolum. Not to crazy about removing it. I will probably be using an underlayment made by Shulter called Ditra ( please excuse spelling) typically ditra is applied with thinset to the subfloor,so I’m wondering if the thinset will bond to the linolum. Secondly, since I just raised my floor by 3/8 to 1/2 inch what is the best why to install the toilet to make sure it doesn’t leak. Thanks for any and all help.
Edited 5/14/2003 7:53:05 PM ET by dan
Not familiar with Ditra. I like the 1/4" Hardibacker sheets for underlayment. USG ( the drywall co.) also makes a 1/4" panel thatworks well. Both products are designed to be fastened with thin set and nails. I'm personally not comfortable using just the thinset especially over linoleum.
I spread my thinset, lay the panels, then use my roofing nailer to nail according to the pattern printed on the panels. Goes pretty quick but you may need to tap a few nails with a hammer if they stand proud. Remember to tape your seams.
For the toilet, you can get closet flange extensions at the big box stores. They are 1/4" I think and you can stack them to the necessary height. You'll need longer mounting bolts and I use the wax rings that have the rubber boot that drops down into the drain hole a bit.
scampernatra- thanks for the time and advice
Edited 5/15/2003 7:31:11 PM ET by dan
Do a search as you'll find a few threads that deal with bathroom floors just in the past few days alone.
Nino, new to breaktime. Getting a little more familiar and did come across discussions on this same topic. Thanks
Ditra is a fantastic product but why arent you just thinsetting your tile right to the linoleum?????
If you dont want your toilet to leak use one heavy wax seal with the plastic ring inside and another regular wax seal without the plastic collar inside of it.
Be squished down
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''
Andy, We bought the house two years ago and am pretty sure the floor is 3/4" sub-floor with linoleum as finish floor. Live in northern NY and a rule of thumb is at least a 1-1/4'" sub-floor for tile applications. Ditra is suppose to replace the extra 1/2" and is thinner. Thanks for your help. Dan
If you don't want to spend the money Ditra costs then you can do it for less than half using Hardiback instead. Its about the same thickness as Ditra.
Its more work than Ditra but not that much more especially in a small romm like a bathroom.
The "difference" in work is that you need to screw or nail it down and tape and thinset the seams . No biggie at all. Hardie back cuts like cardboard almost.
Ditra is pretty cool though, just really expensive.
Be well
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''
Andy, Not familiar with Hardie product but will look into it. Thanks Again--Dan