The rental places want $65/day to rent a tile saw. How reasonable are the cheapie units sold at HD, et al?
If your view never changes you’re following the wrong leader
The rental places want $65/day to rent a tile saw. How reasonable are the cheapie units sold at HD, et al?
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Check with the HD tool rental department, everything is for sale in there. I bought a really nice MK 660 (Not an angle grinder motor) for $220.
I figure if I buy the $185 Husky unit I should be able to sell it for about $100 on Craig's List or some such. $185 gets you the one-step-up table saw style unit with the blade running in a tank. Don't wanna drop the additional $100 or so for a sliding table unit with a pump. Have just a few angle cuts to make.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Just take the tile to a bigbox and pay them for the cuts.
Peach full,easy feelin'.
Only about a dozen angle cuts, but probably 50-60 straight cuts. I'd guess they charge $2-3 per cut, so it adds up to more money than the saw.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Then depends on if you'll ever be needing a tile again in the future.
Peach full,easy feelin'.
I have an $80 model cheapie that works just great, bought at Lowes. I've done a bathroom, kitchen, solarium, vestibule and woodstove surround without needing a new blade, cutting both slate and tile. There's a water tray underneath that the blade runs in...kinda messy, but it's small enough that you can set it up inside a cardboard appliance box to contain the splatters if you cut indoors. The miter guage sucks, but i just draw a line and freehand those cuts.
Unless you're turning pro, you just don't need a big saw unless you're cutting oversize tiles.