toe nail with structural screws vs fence hanger
wondering if toe nailing a 2×6 fence stringer to the post with structural screws would be much of a drop off in performance vs using a hanger. the idea being to not use as much hardware/ consumption for the environment.
fence is made with 6×6 posts and 2×6 stringers. like em beefy to survive the elements in Canada.
For sure you will see a drop off in performance toe nailing with screws but I'd not guess if it was meaningful. Some depends on the workmanship.
Why not face nail/screw the 2x6 boards?
I would also be concerned that the hanger hardware is an unnecessary environmental waste. I'm impressed with that sensitivity.
Originally I was going to face/screw but I found it would be difficult to Center the fence on the property line for my neighbour. The posts will be centred but the boards will eat into the neighbours property unless I install the posts a little more on my side which I’m not keen in doing.
Question is how do you face nail/ screw without impeeding?
If there's a chance that kids will climb on the fence you need the hangers.