Ok ok I know I know I know, this is about as worthless a post if there ever was a worse post….but I’ll ask it anyways….
Does ANYone know WHY on Gods great earth they make the toilet seat bolts SO FRIGGIN LONG??? They always take FOREVER to thread the nut on, you’re already working in a tight space usually and you have to deal with those plastic bolts that the nut just won’t spin on but you must crank and crank and crank for what seems like eternity.
Yup - it's so the unhandyman around the house has plenty of time to notice the looseness before the seat slips right off and causes physical harm, especially if he's not the sort to lift the seat. <G>
ciao for niao
To those who know - this may be obvious. To those who don't - I hope I've helped.
Try the screw gun, set on a low speed. It works.
its simple ..so you can charge more for the install :>)
Hey yeah, good point, more cha-ching in the pocket.If at first you don't succeed, try using a hammer next time...everything needs some extra persuasion from time to time. -ME
I don't know how many toilet seats you put on, but if you are doing many the nut on most is 9/16 inch, use a ratchet with a deep socket,sit on the toilet facing the tank and screw away, if the nuts are plastic they make a tool that will fit them. Most plumbing supply houses will have it. A standard size plastic nut will use a socket. Lots of luck.
They're not too long, the stool is too high. Get a lower stool and you need the long bolts to reach all that far down.
Hardy har har har, you make a great comedian. NOT :)If at first you don't succeed, try using a hammer next time...everything needs some extra persuasion from time to time. -ME
It's simple supply economics. It would not make economic sense to make and stock 3-4-5 sizes of bolts, so they sell what fits 99% of the installs. It's easier to sell a too-long bolt than two or more sizes.
Last time i had a plumber set a toilet for me after a tile job, he snugged the bolts tight then used a pair of slip joint pliers and bent the bolt back and forth several times until it snapped off. I wwas hoping he would crack the toiletr base. cuz he was hired directly by the HO.
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Edited 8/26/2005 11:24 pm ET by FastEddie