We built a window about 56″ x 12″ to put above a 56″x56″ glass block window on an exterior wall of our bathroom. Our idea is to have this window operate like a transom or hopper I think it’s called, so that it will open inward from the top.
I’ve done a LOT of searching the internet to find out what my options are for hinge and latch hardware. I think I want something like a scissor hinge to be on the outside so that the only hardware that will show inside will be the latch at the top of the window.
So my questions are: What are my options for window hardware? And where can I find these things (either online or what type of store)?
Thanks in advance for being my hero!
I think Restoration hardware sells transom stuff try them out.
Take a look here.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
You need a pair of Whitcos and you can find them here:
I have 12 pairs of solid brass casement hinges on my custom casement windows on my front porch. They have a built in friction mechanism and are invisible when the window is closed. I have used them on custom transoms as well.
Look at the website and then call them for advice. It had been a family run operation and the people on the phone were a pleasure to talk to.
must be the air in Sausalito........
carpenter in transition