I’m looking for contractors through out the country who might be interested in doing some TV/plasma/lcd screen installations at various business.
Most of the installations would be fairly simple. Our reseller or end user would have the location for screen already selected. You would determine the correct mounting hardware for the screen bracket (drywall, masonary, etc), drill the holes for the mounting bracket, mount the bracket, and then mount the screen. I’ve targeted any sort of commerical building contractor for these installations. (Some installations will be more complex.)
We will also require the services of electricians and contractors familiar with network cabling and maybe wireless internet.
There are several benefits to the contractor with this program. First, you can be in on the ground floor of the digital signage industry. (Projected to be worth 2 billion by 2008 and everybody needs screens installed) Second, our resellers are experts in their various industries and the installations you do may lead to more work in their industries. Third, for the most part, these projects would be a great way to make some extra money without a lot of complexity.
If you’re interested please send me an email at patrick(at) Our website is I’ll detail some of our requirements (mostly just that you have commerical liability insurance, and the various licenses required by your state for the work you want to do).
Eventually, we will have an online sign-up program and a listing of our members for the areas they want to work in. It also means completely free advertising for you and your business. There are never any sort of fees to be part of the installer program with our company, we just want to put the right people together.
Thanks for reading this far! My apologies for a long post.
a href=
Edited 8/26/2005 10:53 am ET by PMacken
In the column listings on the left side of the screen there is a separate file
You may want to also post your job opportunity there.
as Buddha said to the hotdog vendor .... "make me one with everything"