A while back I invented and patented a Tape Measure that has a built in square,a more precise way of making small measurements and built in protractor.
Please look at my web pages.
http://www.prototape.com (2 pages)
A while back I invented and patented a Tape Measure that has a built in square,a more precise way of making small measurements and built in protractor.
Please look at my web pages.
http://www.prototape.com (2 pages)
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Looks interesting. Does it address the right hand , left hand issue (see the "Are all tapes left handed" thread in the Tools folder.)
Rich Beckman
*Alex,Please send one to me and I'll test it for the board...email me for the shipping address.Thanks,J
Joseph FuscoView Image
Being left handed it never occured to me that most tapes are easier to use by lefties (sweet revenge)
until it was brought up in this discussion group.
I've pitched this invention of mine to all the major
manufactures with no sucess. I suspected that the people I was trying to sell my idea to, did not use their own products except in tesr situations.Now I'm
convinced of it. There are a lot of tools out there
that I've used and wondered if any field testing was actually done. It seems like this companies are so busy out their copying each other that invovation
and field testing ignored.
I have these two sticks that for $19.99 I will sent you to measure inside measurements up to 7ft.
I wish I had one to send you.I haven't got that far.
What you see in the web pages is just a model-prototype. I made it myself. I used an existing tape and mechanism. The case is handmade from mahogany, epoxy etc.
*Yo guys are absolutely ruthless. We have a young Tom Edison in our midst. I suppose you will hang him on the same rope as Galileo was threatened to be hung when he declared that the earth revolved around the Sun?[grin]I suppose you all know know how to divide a line into equal parts(infinitely) without a tape measure also?And what other "whole #'s" other than 3,4,5 will work with Pythagoreans Theorem(hint: 5,12,13)I learn from most of you guys but I bet you wouldn't have a chance in hell to figure out how to accurately scribe a good fit into a closet that wasn't square. Humor me, maybe I will call Joe Fusco and 'splain it to him so he can eloquently expose' it here on the site.Mother of Mary
*Alex, I took a look at the website and I liked what I saw, hats off to you, and don't give up. The built-in speed square feature alone is enough to make your idea a success, that could be quite handy. You are on the right track. Cheers, William
My heart goes out to you Alex. I've spent somewhere about 1000 hours developing something as well. I'm just going to market with it. My project cost considerably less money to develope. I'm sure these guys would like to know just exactly how much doing something like this costs to develope...even to this stage. I think it's constructive criticisms you are looking for. I'll email them. Just for public information, very few ideas pitched to large companies ever gets any response. I personally have had 3 friends plunged into bankruptcy because they were in love with an idea. When we work on something like this we can never see the whole picture...we all need realistic, baseball bat to the head criticisms. We never enjoy it at the time...But it could save us, or make us a fortune. I personally, will listen to what anyone has to say.
I saw your tape and it looks great. I would buy it IF it was'nt one of the cheap brands. There is no innovation that will make a flimsey tape a good tool.
A pantograph always works. Furthermore, it doesn't require the use of a "dual-power" calculator! (Sorry Blue... couldn't resist.)
*Alex, it looks all too handy. We need it to come in for a price under $20 at usual discount retail. Add in a tool locator... like a "LoJack" system, so when it "Transmogrifies" we can find it in the offender's custody! MY vote for "Tool Most Likely to Walk."
*Alex,Send me the first one off the production line....The key to getting this baby flying is not lawyers (sorry Andrew) and patents...It's making it yourself and getting it on the shelf at HD...You have to set a goal...A goal has to be firmly known and include dates for what you expect to have accomplished....I'll do yours for you....prototype done...Field test model and make modifications by May 1....Outsource with credit parts to be made,,,venders sold on the idea June 1....Web Page up and selling....July 1....All Tool Mail order shops signed one per month as production ramps up...starting August 1....HD signed SEpt one...Ship them 10,000 units...October 1 for Holiday sales....b Set Goals and Kill them!!J I know extrusion people....Stock option time.
*Excellent point brian!
*Alex, I hate to be picky, but since I am...Why don't you have a real crpenter pencil being used on your website? How are you supposed to be taken seriuously when you have a gradeschool kids pencil in your hand?You gotta have a manly image if your gonna push your products to the good old boys club!Blue
*So, any of you guys pantent experts? how much $ do they actually take, or how much shoul I think about spending to get mine done?NO i'm not going to tell you!Blue
*blue,Patents are patently not the way to go much of the time for average people with little ideas....Success measured in dollars comes from getting the idea to market....The documenting and copywriting of your originol idea with witnesses and log books, etc should take little time and very little money...See my other post....Speed to market and listening to "your market improvement" feedback will get you in the race today verses dreaming about it over a life time or going bankrupt handing over all your life savings to the Patent Lawyers Dogs who will gladly take it. And you can also patent your idea yourself...A friend patented at least 16 over a lifetime...Made good money off of two I think.JI like the Nike b "Just Do It" Logo... and even better...b "Doing That and It's A Blast!"
*I started the search process on the net,and somehow ended up here! I'm screwed!I have "invented" quite a few of items that have made it to market. The trouble is, someone else got it to market, while I watched tv! I still ahv a few brewing, one is a definite winner.Here's a few that I dreamed up long before they surfaced: those cheesy drip covers under paint rollers, squeeze butter. There were/are a few more, I can't remembe them righ now. Don't be surprised to see them pop up in other posts!Blue
A while back I invented and patented a Tape Measure that has a built in square,a more precise way of making small measurements and built in protractor.
Please look at my web pages.
http://www.prototape.com (2 pages)
Blue Eyed Devil
You are right . Next time I'll use a "real carpenters pencil". It was one of those things I just did'nt think of. It was a good thing that it was 'nt a real construction site cause otherwise
I probably would have had to use a 10 d nail instead.
Pencils are fair game for anyone to steal.
Are square pencils real?
They're imagination... Nothing is real...
Rez ya gotta share what yur doing...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming.... WOW!!! What a Ride!
gotta get a coffee and bagel.
Got the coffee
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming.... WOW!!! What a Ride!
This is a little weird. It's like the ghost of Blue has risen. Could it be that Newf has conjured up a ghost from the past for an awakening?
Nah. Never mind I'll go back to reading the paper.Who Dares Wins.
Rez did it... It's all his fault...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming.... WOW!!! What a Ride!
ya, I chopped down the cherry tree.sobriety is the root cause of dementia
View ImageWho Dares Wins.
Speaking of ghost I manage to reserect his website or at least one showing the tape.
do you think it has black diamonds?..."there's enough for everyone"
Black diamonds? What are those for?Who Dares Wins.
I heard they were for scheduling nails on roof sheathing..."there's enough for everyone"
Ohh I thought they were for spacing shots. Line up your beers with the tape then every time you hit a diamond you do a shot.Who Dares Wins.
"Please look at my web pages.
http://www.prototape.com "
That link seems dead. What's up with it?
Shouldn't Blue's tag line be there?
Master Carpenter, I can booger it all
He had a couple, wish that "Boogerin with Blue" thread had survived the move, that was a classic.
Joe H
"He had a couple, wish that "Boogerin with Blue" thread had survived the move, that was a classic."
Agreed. I wish I could read that tonight.
Ahh... the good ol' days.
Jon Blakemore
Is this the correct URL. Cannot find the site.