I’m working on this lady’s house and she has plumbing issues I can’t handle. So I call in a plumber I know and he gives her a price on her bathroom and to rod out her sewer. For the bathroom he asks for money up front to buy materials. I ask for receipts and he will get paid an agreed upon fee when he’s done with the work. Whatever money he didn’t spend, if any, we’ll work out at that point. With the rodding, he needs to dig in the front yard because the only cleanout is in the back of the house and his rods lose strength after about 50 or 60 feet. Plus he thinks he’s hitting roots and he shows me. How much to open the yard, find the pipe, rod it out if possible, install a tee, a standpipe up to ground level and a new cleanout? $3,000. I ask him can you break that down for me so I know where the expense is? He says he doesn’t usually do that. Is that normal? Even though he gives me a break down, I’m not sure I believe him. $500 for a permit, $300 for a locator (I never saw the guy. I think he was guessing the pipe would come out of the front of the house. It didn’t.) He calls another guy with a locator and now he wants homeowner to reimburse. I thought that was in the original price. Everybody’s stating to feel a little creepy about this guy. Plus he never shows me the receipts for the bathroom. How do you keep guys like this honest?
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So I call in a plumber I know...............
The plumber I know.
Not the plumber I know of.
If never sure of one persons interpretation of the job and it's costs, call in another one and compare. Ask for help, learn the trade as much as possible. The matter of trust is very important. Just saying "trust me" isn't enough. Someone earns trust. It can't be bought, it doesn't come automatically. It's tied to honesty like a siamese twin. One in the same I guess.
If you're going to be the contractor you need to form a relationship with the trades you sub to. That goes far beyond keeping their business card in your wallet. You work together, they do their work, you pay promptly with no lame excuse on why you can't. You want rcpts, they present them. Large parts orders? not unusual for a deposit. Pipe and other material a professional and solvent plumber would have or can get on their account shouldn't require a deposit..............if your track record of payment is secure.
If you don't believe him-call inspection and inquire as to the permit charge-500 sounds pretty outrageous, but we've heard all sorts of numbers in some states and/or big cities. Odd too that someone who gets hired to locate, doesn't............get's paid anyway and then instead of him coming back because he failed the first time............someone else needs to be called?
Little creepy? I'm thinking the homowner is just a step away from stronger feelings and your name comes close to being on it.
Best of luck.
this site is still a joke....i went to the photo gallery.... no photos..
the homeowner is relying on one's ability to know who's good and who isn't..
subs have to meet me half way...i rely on them...they rely on me...the customer relys on me... if the sub screws the pooch.... it's my problem.... that's one of the deals about subs...they work for me and the customer....competency and trust
Photogallery is like a new museum that didn't buy any paintings yet.
and yet is one yr old.
At any rate, you are only as good as the whole-which includes your subcontractor representatives-they represent the contractors company.
I get calls all the time for a recommendation, usually from my customers. I will only refer those I work with, not those I've heard of. Not that the orig. poster will return to comment, but if he was just a carpenter hired by a homowner, then it's just too bad his referral didn't pan out-he now won't get called again either.
If he's a contractor and supplied this plumber then the onus is on him to make it right. Maybe he'll be called back again-depending on how this is handled.
Hey, didn't get to give Helen a smooch on the EVE, pass it along.