The genius who installed the vinyl soffit over the old plywood soffit did not use vented soffits. I am about to tear off and install new roofing shingles and want it to last.
How would you install vents in a vinyl soffit that has been installed? I need help on this one.
Take the vinyl down and make sure there is air space for a ventilated soffit. If there isn't, make some cuts in the soffit and reinstall perferated soffit.
After doint this, go to the attic and make sure there is a pathway for air to flow over existing insulation if you cut open the soffit. In fact, this is what you should do before you do what I said in the first paragraph
I pulled down a few vinyl soffit pieces and the old plywood soffit has some soffit vents in it. What you would do is pull down some of the vinyl soffit and put in some perforated soffit? How many perforated? Thanks,
Depends, have you looked in your attic to determine if you have air flow to the soffit?
No. I need to verify this. I have no idea why there would be a soffit vent if there was no airflow to the attic though.On the to do list tomorrow. Just got done cutting a heap of dovetails. Tired. I am a furniture maker.Sid
I have no idea why there would be a soffit vent if there was no airflow to the attic though.
Cosmetics. I've seen roofers, carpenters, etc.. pop in some of those 3" round sofit vents just to make the customer happy, knowing full well they're useless without proper air flow.~ Ted W ~
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