A while back I had the chance to use a Delta Saw buck Frame and Trim Saw and thought it was a great piece of equipment. Now that I have a couple of bucks I’m under the assumption it is no longer made. I am hoping someone out there has one for sale. I am really interested in getting one. Thanks.
Chris. [email protected]
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Chris, try this place. Hamilton Tool and Supply
They may be able to track one down....or may even have one in stock. Jeff
*Chris,You're too late. I just took mine to a pawn shop and traded it of for 2 cordless drills. Even gave em extra blades. The pawn shop re- sold it right while I was there.Frank
*Chris.....i have the model 33-150 , paid $499.99 plus tax ,new in 1990...used it for about 2 months and then i stored it in our shop..$200 plus shipping and it's yours.....
*wow....welcome to "Crazy Mike's Bargain Tool World"! He'd reply himself....but he's out in the parking lot yelling "Volume, Volume, Volume"! Jeff
*how many ya want , jeff ?show me da money !
*what'sa matta? you got some "new car" payments to make or sumptin? or....does a "new car" now gotta fit into the tool filled garage?"Everything Must Go"! Jeff
*no, jeff, actually i loved the Delta trim and frame saw, model # 33-150, new in 1990, which i paid $499.99 plus tax for , but will reluctantly part with for $200 fob jamestown, so much ... that i decided to let some young dude get his start in contracting and create some more space in my garage....did i mention that i have all the original paper work for it ?but wait, it's been stored indoors under ideal conditions...how many ya want , jeff.. ?how much money ya got ?
*Anybody know of a web site with parts for one of these jewels? Need one of the folding leg thingees. Looks just like a folding table leg bracket but made to fit over the tube on the bottom of the table. Joe H
*I sure like mine. I've heard that they can cut a 2x board on a 45 degree bevel, but mine won't do it, the blade quard hits the board. Anyone know if it'll work if you can somehow modify it?That's about the only thing I don't like about it...
*I thought mine was junk and sold it to a trailerhouse remodeler, maybe it cut close enough for him.
*well, i still got mine if you've changed your mind , BB?hah, hah, hah.....
*did ya forget Chris , or change your mind ?
*Heh Mike, You got the fence stop dangling in the same place I do.. Bet if you check it, the thumbscrew is missing!
*We have the same one Mike has, but with a 6' extension kit. Also in storage. Used it for framing and siding. Same price $200. with extension FOB Boston, MA
this is Dave here is my number 413-822-3097.i been looking for a saw buck would like to buy yours i u still have it.
Text him at the number shown. Most likely a cold day in hell b/4 he sees your post.
this is Dave here is my number 413-822-3097.i been looking for a saw buck would like to buy yours i u still have it.
A while back I had the chance to use a Delta Saw buck Frame and Trim Saw and thought it was a great piece of equipment. Now that I have a couple of bucks I'm under the assumption it is no longer made. I am hoping someone out there has one for sale. I am really interested in getting one. Thanks.
Chris. [email protected]
Rockwell saw
Give me a call about the saw please ... steve fost 406-361-0281
Uh, it's a 13-year-old thread.
I've got the saw you want i dont use it anymore but it has a sentimental value give me a call at 424 2272577 m. name is RALF if your interested.
Have an interest in the Delta Saw Buck
Just noticed this post as I was searching the internet for the Delta Saw Buck. Since your post is from March of this year, I thought I'd see if you still had this. My interest would depend on you having it obviously, the price, condition, and determining how much it would cost to ship it. I will see if you respond to this to continue this discussion. Thanks.
call him at the number he listed, might get lucky.
Delta saw
I have one for sale I just got it. I m a 200 for it or best offer
Delta sawbuck
Hi I ha e a Delta Sawbuck for sale. My number is 440-467-0547 text me if interested
Delta saw
I have one I’d like to sell it works only one problem I broke the blade gaurd.
Hello I have a delta sawbuck frame and trim saw willing to sell. My email is [email protected]. I'm located in North Carolina.