Hello, I am in the process of finishing a 12inch concrete block foundation.
I am curious about the best waterproofer to use. I don’t want to have wet,or damp walls all of the time. I live in a humid, rainy enviro as it is. The plans call for waterproofer, then insulation board over that. Well…the waterproofer alone is at least 20 bucks a gallon. Has anyone ever used a roof patch? Like that atco stuff? Looks just like tar with all the smell? I would just like to know which is the best way to go. Thanks in advance for anyhelp you can give.
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Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
We've mixed together this homemade brew of tar and diesel that worked pretty good . I don't know how good it was for the environment but it was what the boss wanted us to use.
Just a thought
*I've used plastic dimple fabric on a couple daylight basements, one of which was graded improperly and had no gutters, either. It's not expensive, works great, and is easy to install. I placed cheap recycled paneling over it before backfilling to protect it from puncture. Journal of Light Construction and FHB have both done articles on it, if you do a search.
*Mix up some Thoro first to slather on. Then the foundation coating
*I give up. What is Thoro?
*ThoroSeal is a cememt based foundation coating. http://www.chemrex.com/thoro/product_tho.asp
*Gregg: We have used a W.R. Grace product called bituthene. It is a peel & stick product that comes with a liquid primer that can be applied with a garden type sprayer. When the primer cures ( changes color) the sheet membrane is applied. It comes in a roll and is very simple for two or three persons to apply. One word of caution. Make sure the membrane is exactly where you want it as there is no removing and repositioning it. Once applied it is there. There are several other brands but the best source of supply we have is for the grace product. It does cost some more than other methods but we have not had a leak on a basement wall (block or poured) when we use it. Ron.
Hello, I am in the process of finishing a 12inch concrete block foundation.
I am curious about the best waterproofer to use. I don't want to have wet,or damp walls all of the time. I live in a humid, rainy enviro as it is. The plans call for waterproofer, then insulation board over that. Well...the waterproofer alone is at least 20 bucks a gallon. Has anyone ever used a roof patch? Like that atco stuff? Looks just like tar with all the smell? I would just like to know which is the best way to go. Thanks in advance for anyhelp you can give.