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Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
First, what I use for my markup will not help you. Everyone's markup is tailored to ones business.
Seems whatever you gave as a number to this guy would have been too high. You say he is doing the addition himself. Well, that right there should tell you he wants it done on the cheap. Only you know what you need to make on top of all your job costs. If you are not getting the amount of work that you need, then you need to do one of two things, 1. re-think your business strategies or 2. just lower your prices, work for nothing and slowly go out of business.
Maybe instead of looking at your numbers, you need to analyze the people you are giving the numbers to. You may be going after the wrong customers, people who either cannot afford you, cheap people ( I hate cheap people) or tire kickers that are wasting your time. I think you need to pre-qualify your potential customers a little better, that I believe will help close more jobs.
Good advice, man!
"I think you need to pre-qualify your potential customers a little better,"
It makes all the difference in the world!
Do you mind sharing your price break down on this job & what part of the country are you in ?
Sure no problem. Eastern Pennsylvania Is where I live. The estimator gives you a percentage, to take into account of your actual location, which I used. Like I said I really wanted this job. Because it would fill in ,and it was close to home. So I was willing to do it. Yes I already knew he was going cheap.
But the Job is the job, and it is only worth so much . That is why I used the estimator. So I could get a reference point. Because my time will certainly, be more than a guy who does nothing but dry wall, for a living.
For 3000sq. ft. My cost was approx $3157.00 according to the estimator, all of the rooms were small and the dining room had a shed roof, all of the framing was right on. nailers etc. I gave an estimate of $3500.00 + or minus 5%
This guy already knew that I can hang drywall, but I am not strictly a drywall guy. Which means, I told him if he wants some body to knock it out in a day, he will have to wait, for that day. It ain't me babe. I hoped my price would be comparable.
I also took into account that the rooms are small and there were a few closets. Manuverability might be an issue, that eats up time. Also there was an arch over the tub shower curtain rod. In total planned for a solid 2 weeks hanging and finishing. Maybe more if the corners eat up my finishing time. Glued/screwed. It included lift rental for the ceiling and an 8' painters walk. I have a 6.5amp, screw gun that never gets used.
The quality of this job is not an issue to me, because I know I will do a consciencous and excellent job. I have done it before. And I wonder now whether he believed that. Maybe he wanted a hack. He did ask me for a price just to finish it. But I have been down that road before . And I will not bid to finish a job that was hung by a guy and his buddy over a few beers. Too Aggravating unless i see it complete It has the potential to make you look bad. Bad joints suck. so i was trying to talk him out of that. to let me do it all.
Anyway Time However was a factor. Which I was not too conscerned about. Because I have the time. Whether it takes me 2 weeks or a month. It is my time and I will Probably not be working anyway. So time is not an issue with either of us . As long as I meet the deadline. And we discussed that, Before I even started the estimate.
The point is the cost of the job. I wasn't going to lose any money. And thats where the estimator helped. But costs and profit is not the same thing. Basically i was willing to forego that for the chance to work. This is not too high.
like i said my normal way of estimating is not much different that this price. About 5% "Tell me its too high, tell me its too low. but don't ever tell me its just right."
5% in this case is less than a days labor.Where there's A wheel there's a way, got any wheels?
If you're saying there's 3000 SF of sheetrock on the job, you're a little high for central NJ (so probably even "more high" for eastern PA). I can get rock hung and taped here for about .90/SF. If the addition was 3,000 SF floor area, I'd say there's probably about 7,000 SF of rock in there, in which case you're rippin' low, and the customer's looking for a daylaborer to do the work.
No I actually did the math of wall area sq footage. Thanks for the input. 30 X 30' lots of small rooms and hall ways. I drew a little floor plan. After the initial consultation. thats 5/8th on the ceiling too and some MR board around the shower.
Edited 5/14/2003 10:07:01 PM ET by MuleSkinner