I need a new repirator mask. The old one I had was given to me bymy wife when she worked at a hospital, ( no , it wasnt a dust mask; it was the real thing). My big concern is when i spray lacquer. What type of mask do i need. I see the ones that are for pesticides, but is that good enough?
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Try a dedicated safety supply store. I use a Wilson 6000 with the p100 hepa cartridges, but with these types of masks you can put on different types for different protection. Get one that is comfortable because it doesn't do any good unless you are wearing it.
You want a respirator with an "organic vapors" cartridge or one specified for use with spray painting and a prefilter to catch droplets before they can clog the carbon matrix. The main cartridge/s last pretty long, have a spare set, but certainly have 3 or 4 sets of the cheaper prefilters as they clog if the air is thick with mist. If the prefilters soak through the main and more expensive cartridges loose effectiveness and will need replacing also.
Save the HEPA, High Efficiency Particulate Arresting, filters for when you are dealing with asbestos, riot control agents or anthrax spores. You want carbon to absorb the solvents in the lacquer before they get into your lungs and then bloodstream. Remember to use a prefilter to keep the carbon happy and you healthy. Opening a window and arranging for good ventilation won't hurt either.
Keep a set of those HEPA cartridges around for when you open your mail.
Just bought one as described by 4lorn1 at a local autobody supply store. 3M brand, $35 and very cumfortable. They come in small medium, large, and extra large.
Use http://www.Google.com and enter safety equipment, or resperators.....check the MSDS info for the product you are useing....it should specify the type..... improper safety equip, is the same as not having any at all....Mark
Go to Grainger - they have every type you could ever want. I happen to like the MSA masks. Wear w/ HEPA cartridges for glass etching. really soaks up the dust. I've showed my old filter cartridges to other etchers who don't mask up just to show them what the inside their nasal passages & lungs look like. Quite dramatic!
DonThe GlassMasterworks - If it scratches, I etch it!
Dust and VOCs are two different animals tho.
A HEPA takes out 99.97% of fine particles rating it P100 for "particulate 100%" For gases, it is a diff rating. They use an additional carbon filter.
Regular dust masks, when tightly fitted are only P95 meaning that they filter out 95% of the fine particles. That's better than nothing.
BTW, none of these ratings mean a thing if you have a beard, because it prevents a good seal. That doesn't stop me from wearing one at appropriate times and noticing an improvement in my breathing apparatus that night..
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If you have a beard there are the "air shield visor" type of devices.
They are a visor and a continous stream of clean air is blown through them. You wear a small battery pack that also contains the blower and filters.
Thanks, Hadn't thunk of that..
Excellence is its own reward!