Philosophical question here–
I’m mudding a wall in a my soon to be remodeled kitchen– the whole wall will eventually be covered with cabinets with a small area being tilled–in essence you will never see the sheetrock or the mudding.
Question is: Should I even bother mudding? How many coats would you put on if you did mud?
Just curious
I'm mudding a wall in a my soon to be remodeled kitchen-- the whole wall will eventually be covered with cabinets with a small area being tilled--in essence you will never see the sheetrock or the mudding.
Question is: Should I even bother mudding?
For one , Im not sure you have thought about "all " places on that wall. If you are going to tile the back splash then it needs to be finished for achieving a striaght plane for the tile to lay on , especially if there is a bad butt joint . The outside corners would certainly need taped and the ceiling joint for this stops air transfer to the attic . Taping around plumbing does the same .
Really your question is not realitive because it doesnt take much time to finish a short wall since you are finishing the room . [hence , in the business anyway]
Have fun getting messy,
Tim Mooney
You may not need to give it the final finish coat but you do need to seal the joints for fire, bug, draft prevention and get a smooth wall to mount cabs and tile to straight. When you go to hang cabs, if you leave the wall rough, it might be harder and you'll be wishing you had finished it anyways. Better foresight than hindsight.
Excellence is its own reward!
I typically tape,sand and prime the entire kitchen prior to cabinet installation. If time is an absolute premium I skip the final coat. However as others have mentioned, the backsplash may require some extra attention which is easier to work without the cabinets installed.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
If you haven't hung the board a sheet in half.......8'X 2' one cut edge along the floor...a full sheet in the middle..and the other sheet with the cut at the ceiling......horizontal......that'll give you two nice long ...factory beveled 2' and 6'...........most of which will be covered by the uppers and lowers.
Less critical finishing....and easier.
The backsplash would just have an 18 in or less butt joint...every 8 or 12 ft.
If there's a window over the sink.........make that your great unless the window wall is over 24ft!
.......Sometimes on the toll road of life.....a handful of change is good.......
Good idea! I like that line of thinking.
Nice thinking. Must have done this before huh. :-) DanT
Yup.....stole the idea from somewhere years ago.....and have used on every kitchen I've rocked since. On most I rock and cab.......I usually end up least the it's made my life lots easier.
Jeff.......Sometimes on the toll road of life.....a handful of change is good.......