Doing a design that involved an unfitted kitchen. No or little traditional cabinetry. Lots of work tables, quite possibly on rollers. Cook does some catering with lots of friends helping, and they wanna move stuff around to make more or less room.
In a typical kitchen, it’s easy to meet elec code with receptacles every 4′, etc. But what does one do when the “cabinets” are not permanently affixed anywhere, and it’s an open plan with few walls?
Anyone run into an installation like this and see a good code-compliant way to handle it?
The mere idea kick off some design reflexes in me. Ok, so my first image was craftsman tile (& simplicity) meets postmodern . . .
As to the electrical, NEX will give you plenty. You may need a circuit or two extra, since you are adding outlets where cabinets would 'normally' go. You may need to rethink the sort of dedicated outlets that are de rigeur today, such as MW or Ref'r (though the plumbing ought to "anchor" the fridge down a bit).
If the walls are being tiled, the tile will tell you whether to run the outlets horizontal or vertical. Running them 42" AFF is probably the best. You could also set runs of plugmold, too.
I'd be very tempted to run closetmaid standards on the wall for wire shelving in lieu of the upper cabinets. This would let the space be used, but also let it be configured to need.
It occurs, now that the first flurry of ideas have settleed down, that the same three anchors will exist in this kitchen as in any other. The sink, the range/oven, and the refrigerator. Once those elements are placed, then the rest of the kitchen may be as free form as desired. Existing practice & codes will apply to the "anchors," you can then deal with the rest as you wish.
Arrgh, give me butter paper, I've got half-baked ideas!!!
Got anything suspended from the ceiling? Like a pot rack?
If so, you might be able to hide a couple of outlets in it.
I can't imagine having any in the floor in a kitchen. And probably not a good idea, in case any liquids got spilled in them.
Can't come up with any other intelligent thoughts at the moment...
Women should be obscene and not heard.