Sounds like you’re off to a good start with the Cat5…Only suggestion I’d make is to run at least 2 to every room, all home runs back to the telephone company’s box. There are many snap-in jacks available, electrical supply would be a good start. As for books, believe it or not Radio Shack has a few good ones. Good Luck.
Near the woodpile,
Using PVC as a wire chase, eh? It'll make expansion/upgrades down the road much easier. Very smart!
This has been discussed several times before. Use the BT "Search" function. < Obsolete Link > here is one thread that I found. There are others.
Also, Leviton has a online .pdf catalog that lists some pretty neat wiring devices like wall face plates that support voice, data and video connections. They now sell this stuff at Home Depot.
*www.hometech.comThey have a good learning section (check out the video and audio distribution sections). I have ordered from them and have gotten fast and courteous service.
*I haven't checked for data wiring sites for a couple of years, but at that time the best sites I found were:http://www.johnscloset.net/http://www.levitontelcom.com/http://www.us-epanorama.net/wiring.htmlThe JohnsCloset page mentions a Leviton data wiring book, but I could not find it on Leivon's web site.A quick search at Amazon.Com on "data wiring" gave four books still in print. However, only one - Data, Voice, and Video Cabling by Jim Hayes, Paul Rosenberg, James Hayes Our Price: $36.95, Paperback - 224 pages (August 1999), listed at 32,279th on their popularity list - would probably be what you are after. A search with different terms might find something else. A discussion board oriented toward electrical questions but covers occasional data wiring stuff:http://members.sitegadgets.com/dan316/board.html Another discusson board that is oriented more towards professional electricians but does get some homeowner questions:http://www.electrician.com/wwwboard2_secure/wwwboard2.html I have run across a couple of other electrician discussion forums, but they were pretty insistant on having only professional electricians participate.
*Parts Express has some pretty neat stuff for this sort of thing. http://www.partsexpress.com(?)
Any recommendations for books &/or WEBsites concerning home distribution of phone, cable/satellite and NETWORK wiring?
I used to have a link to a site with the above. The info and drawings were very straight forward and the prices reasonable. But I lost the link.
SMARTHOME.COM has some of the above but prices are very, very high in comparison.
I'm looking for simple telephone wiring blocks to distribute to multiple rooms. Same for Cable coax and DSS coax. The NETWORK CAT-5 wiring is in place but hookup can wait since I dont have a second computer (yet).
*Groundhog....drive on down to your electric supply.near the stream,aj
*They got books to 'splain it all too?Near the bay,Phil
*i "simple telephone wiring blocks" ...key word here?...Simple as they come...near the stream,ajhint...red to red...green to green...
*JLC had a nice article on that 2 or 3 months ago, maybe you can get it on their site by now.
*Phil,Sounds like you're off to a good start with the Cat5...Only suggestion I'd make is to run at least 2 to every room, all home runs back to the telephone company's box. There are many snap-in jacks available, electrical supply would be a good start. As for books, believe it or not Radio Shack has a few good ones. Good Luck.Near the woodpile,Robert
*It does get a bit more complicated when adding more than 3 or 4 phones (Ringer Equivalence overloads). And DSS/Cable distribution gets involved when dealing with modulators, diplexers, amplification and balancing, IR signals, etc etc.
*Robert,I ran one CAT-5 line to use for phone and a second for future use (maybe an in-home network). Also ran 2 lines of quad-shielded RG-6 coax. BTW, all run inside PVC tubing thru the top wall plate which extends above the insulation into the attic.Phil
*GroundHog...Can you read your own post...You said for now you wanna do it simple and later do it high tech...So simple is to hook all up with Radio Shack little dollar connectors that even a new salesman will know to sell you.....And if ya want it all done high tech, there is no way you are gonna buy hundreds of dollars worth of signal testing, strength, noise and DB level tuning equipment are you????...If you do buy it all and learn how to run wire so as not to lose the CAT 5 & RG-6 ratings...then you can let me borrow it all so I can do my home...near the stream, aj
*Ground Hog? Is that an endearing term I hope?Anyway I said I wanted to do the NETWORK later. Never said or implied I wanted to do the DSS/Cable lines "simple" way. Maybe it's a cyberspace misunderstanding....Right now, near the TV watching the Mets,Phil