I have a freestanding pergola/porch that has 6 4″ sq steel posts. I want to wrap the posts with 2x wood to give the posts a more solid look (looks like a skinny spider right now – I’ll wait till after Halloween before I start 😉 and chamfer the corners for a little interest.
What is the best way to secure the wood to the steel posts?
shoot some 3/4 ply blocks into the lallys with ramsets... watch for richochet... then box the posts.....
*That metal should be soft enough to drill and/or use tapper screws. Counter sink and plug.
*you should just be able to wrap them without any mechanical attachment. Just build a box that fits tight around the posts. Put three sides ttogether first then add the fourth after the other three are around like a letter U . If you really want to attach this other than friction add some construction adhesive to the inside of the wood assembly before you put it around the steel.jim
*Ask a simple question, get three good answers! Pick one which best suits you and available tools. Jeff
*b WBA At Your Servicejust glue it dammit !oh, that one's already taken...
*Greg: You may be in for a special treat each spring. Woodpeckers found my posts attractive. That hollow ring is perfect in the spring for marking one's territory and finding a mate, usually just before 5 A.M. Funny thing is I got to like it. I saved one of the posts and will reinstall it in my back yard next year.
I have a freestanding pergola/porch that has 6 4" sq steel posts. I want to wrap the posts with 2x wood to give the posts a more solid look (looks like a skinny spider right now - I'll wait till after Halloween before I start ;-) and chamfer the corners for a little interest.
What is the best way to secure the wood to the steel posts?