A Quiet and Water-Efficient Toilet Option
The new line of Shadow toilets from Niagra makes for an easy install for builders, remodelers, and plumbing professionals.
Toilets are not exactly an aspect of a home most people want to have on their minds throughout the day, so the proper installation of a high-efficiency, long-lasting, and low-maintenance toilet is essential for comfortable living. Niagara kept this crucial consideration at the forefront of the design of their new line of Shadow toilets, specifically created for builders, remodelers, and plumbing professionals.

These easy-to-install toilets embody the philosophy of flush it and forget it—not only do they carry a 15-year warranty, but are delivered with preassembled tanks and have an extra-large footprint to cover old tile, making installation quick, fast, and efficient. Additionally, the Niagara Shadow toilet’s vacuum-assist flushing mechanism and noise-cancelling tank make for a water-efficient, whisper-quiet, virtually clog-free flush. Offered in 0.8 and 1.28 GPF (gallons per flush), the Shadow flushes up to 1000 g and is EPA WaterSense certified to save energy, perform effectively, and use more than 20% less water than regular models.
Ideal for both new homes and remodels, you can find this toilet at wholesalers across the United States starting at $300. Learn more at niagracorp.com.
Photos courtesy of the manufacturer.
From Fine Homebuilding #304