One Sink, Four Configurations
This versatile NativeStone kitchen sink is durable yet relatively lightweight.
Genius for its flexible design, the Farmhouse Quartet sink by Native Trails can be installed apron-style, or in front/back of or behind a counter. It’s made of NativeStone, a combination of natural jute fiber and cement—a mixture that is exceptionally durable and roughly 40% lighter than conventional concrete sinks. A recipient of the Good Design Award, this bow-edge sink is an earthy, artisanal twist on the traditional apron-front design.
- Finishes: ash, slate, and pearl
- 33 in. wide; 91⁄4 in. deep; 101⁄4-in. apron
- Crack-, stain-, and scratch-resistant
- Undermount installation
- $1885
From Fine Homebuilding #283
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