Some how today or last night my “Preferences” got screwed up & I can’t correct it. My Preference page says Andy Engel and I email him about it tonight. I just realized a few posts I made tonight shows Andy’s name but still my tag line of “Professional Execution of Samll Projects”.
Guess I’ll stop posting until Andy get to the office tomorrow, gets my email and corrects the problem.
Seems like that happened a while back with the name Dan Dear.
What buttons ya been pushing? Anyway to fix it like you did last time?
James DuHamel
*Last time I re-registered. Tried it but can't cause my page is now actually Andy's and his is set up different than the rest of ours.Hey, as long as I have control of Andy's preferrences (except for his password), do any of you guys know anyone you want me to block from posting here? (-:
*ROFLMFAOYou have to ask ?b : )
*Did you guys swap paychecks too?This is confusing but funny.I would like a committment note from Andy saying that he will pay me $100,000.19 for the article I am considering writing for FH, payable in advance, of course. Can you arrange that, Sonny Engle? or is it Andy Lykos?
*Piffin, I already notified the payroll dept. of FHB of a change of address of where to send Andy's - I mean "my" - paycheck, effective immediately.OK, I'll authorize it for a 50/50 split. I''ll be big and let you keep the .19.
*What a coincidence. Our good buddy Richard Kaller of the Certified Contractors NetWork has had his good name taken over too. Someone is posting all sorts of obnoxious crap using his name. I think it must be that Evil AH Dickie doing this, somehow he has found his way back into our midst. Joe H
*Andy, could you ask Sonny what he uses for professional executions? Firing squad, poison, or something more inocuous? I think a collection could be made by passing the vitual hat for a 'hit' on RK. Just keep my .19 and apply it to the hat fund.
*Don't fret Sonny. I think it's just a ploy by Andy to have his title on your inciteful posts. I think it's called cyberflattery.blue
*I betcha this is really earl pitts
*All I know is, some guy calling hisself Andy "Sonny" Engel borrowed twenty from me in the bar last night, and I want my money.
*Sonny,You better start signing your post "Sonny".I'm getting real confused and you know that's not to hard for a carpenter.Ed.
*I got my name back. Andy emailed me with instructions to correct the problem. Adrian, I told Andy to send you a check.Sonny
*That was too funny. It's good to have you back Sonny.
*Sonny, You obviously pushed the wrong button while you were Andy.And now look at what you've done !!Sooooonny, you got some 'splainin to do.
Some how today or last night my "Preferences" got screwed up & I can't correct it. My Preference page says Andy Engel and I email him about it tonight. I just realized a few posts I made tonight shows Andy's name but still my tag line of "Professional Execution of Samll Projects".
Guess I'll stop posting until Andy get to the office tomorrow, gets my email and corrects the problem.