In-depth live seminars by some of our best contributors about the skills and details you need to build great homes. Sign up for live online presentations and watch archived episodes below.

Mastering Floor Design and Construction: Tips from Industry Experts
Get expert floor framing tips on topics like design, choosing materials, installation, and more.

Enhancing Structural Design with Advanced Techniques
Discover how ForteWEB™ can help optimize structural design, link loads, manage roof slopes, and much more.

Optimizing Structural Design From Start to Finish
Discover how ForteWEB™ can help optimize structural design, size beams and joists effortlessly, and ensure compliance in your building projects.

The Great Debate: LVLs or PSLs for Headers, Beams, Girders, and Posts
In this webinar, Engineered Wood Products expert Steve Rudowsky presents on why LVL is not the same as PSL, and why builders need to understand the difference.

Whole-Business Sustainability, From Products to People to Business Practices
A panel of design and construction experts discuss how to improve the environmental responsibility of our workplaces—not just our buildings.

Remodeling Done Right
Builders Joe Cook and Travis Brungardt share best practices for taking on an interior remodeling project and making an old house feel new again.

Meet Current Energy Codes with Continuous Insulation
Building-code expert Glenn Mathewson explains how to navigate the options for effectively insulating house for energy efficiency, durability, and code compliance.

Tips for Framing with I-Joists
A panel of pro builders discuss best practices for handling, fitting, and fastening this popular type of engineered floor framing components.

Live: The Winners of the 2023 Wall Assembly Sweet 16 Contest
Join us at 6pm ET on Thursday, August 17th, to find out which student-designed building assemblies bring home a total of $20,000 in prizes, and hear from our judges what makes for a winning assembly.