Happened upon Grailcoat ( see www.grailcoat.com) as a smear-on exterior finish. It is not an elastomer, and not in the same family as EIFS topcoats, but an acrylic-modified cement product. The stuff sounds great, and the sample in my hand is real impressive.
It was developed as a hard-wearing, waterPROOF surface for packing houses, so the areas could just be hosed down. Stays elastic, has a long warranty, other good-sounding stuff. The only downside I see is a limited palette of colors, and they don’t really want to commit to recommending any DIY coloration methods. Seems like and concrete pigment that’s mineral-based would work. The alkali in the product apparently attacks acrylic-based pigments. Any opinions?
I have not had any experiences with the Grailcoat, however Hydro Stop has a product that can be mixed with cement as a water proof finish coat. It may be available in more colors. The web site is at http://www.hydro-stop.com
Thanks for the info about Hydro-Stop. Looks like a good product. I think I could use it in some applications. I think it's a bit different than the Grailcoat, though, which goes on 3mm thick and looks a lot like a stucco finish.