I finally got around to building my own deck last fall. After only 3 uses this spring a dam bear tore the cover and knocked the new bbq off the deck. Any tried and true tips for keeping bears out of my yard. The garbage is in a sealed container in the garage 40 feet away.
One co worker suggested putting urinal pucks at the back lot line.
Thanks to all and have a good day
Can't help you out there.
Bet that 300 miles north of Toronto you have some pretty big boys roaming those woods.
BBQ smells like food. Bears like food. Hang the grill in a tree?
Hang the bear in the tree.I dreamed that I was dreaming with nowhere to sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
That's a novel idea.
Naw, probably only a short story.I dreamed that I was dreaming with nowhere to sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
Yer full of em tonight.
Well, it, anyway...I dreamed that I was dreaming with nowhere to sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
Which reminds me, it the bear is tied up in a tree, finally we can know if a bear #### in the woods.
Or at least in the tree.I dreamed that I was dreaming with nowhere to sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
Where do you get woods? From trees!
They #### anywhere they damn well please. You gonna' tell 'em otherwise?
You should see the size of what they leave in our yards around here. Big, I tell ya'. We have a bunch of them here, next to a wildlife refuge. All healthy looking and pretty much mind their own business. We neighbors know what not to do so they usually just shuffle on through. The dogs are smart enough to stay away and the bears seem to shy away when the dogs sound the alarm.
Their sense of smell is phenominal.....redesign the BBQ to come apart and bring it into the garage at night.
Just one big happy 100 acre wood....even have an Eyore (2) down the street.
For the urinal puck suggestion....give them hockey sticks <g>
I'm not flippin' you off.........just counting cubits
I'm glad there's none around here. A while back a rogue bear was running around my grandmothers home in eastern Kentucky. It had been seen by people on the creek. I was helping build my uncles house and we were working well after dark when I heard some crashing noises behind the house, up on the mountain. I was a bit worried about it walking down the drive to grannys house. A couple weeks later it killed her dog and mortally wounded uncle Rogers dog. Someone shot the bear several miles away later on. There is a nature preserve on Pine Mountain where he escaped from.
The bear that broke into my truck in Tahoe unwrapped the Hersheys Kisses. Everyone has seen bears unwrap granola bars, open cans of beans, unscrew the macadamia nuts and eat everything in sight while making a stinky mess (I'm told I was lucky the bear didn't leave me a more pungent present). But nobody believes that they can unwrap Hershey's Kisses. Any help?
Luka receives the 'MrT/brownbagg OneLiner' Award.
Saaalute!View Image View Image
Nah, then you wind up with this scenariohttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7761231905389466400'Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it' ~ Chinese proverb
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Bears can smell a soda cracker sealed inside a plastic bag from 200 meters off. For sure he's gonna smell that barbeque, and apparently, this particular bear has lost its natural fear of humans. Call Ontario Wildlife Management (or whatever you call that department in Ontario) and report a dangerous nuisance bear that has become accustomed to people. They should come out to trap it and relocate it.
If they can't catch it or won't act on your complaint and it continues to threaten your family's safety, I am fairly certain you have the right to shoot it in self defense.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not brought
low by this? For thine evil pales before that which
foolish men call Justice....
There are so many nuisance bears since Harris cancelled the spring bear hunt, mnr can't keep up. Last summer we had 3 cubs and a mama while we were just finishing dinner. I take bear spray in my pocket in the morning when I walk my daughters out to the bus.
I was thinking of hot wirng a steel garbage can because I don't own a gun. A couple of summers ago I wired up siren to a motion sensor and scared the #### out of a couple of bears. Any bear probs at Tremblant?
HAve a good day
They make motion-activated sprinklers to keep cats, birds, even deer out of the garden. I wonder if bears would also shy away from getting wet?
Any bear probs at Tremblant?
Depends on where you go. Where I live, we're about a klick from the main highway but up on a smallish mountain (1100 ft). Woods, lakes and cottages; for sure there are a few bears out in the back 500 acres between here and the next village north.
Normally we never see 'em but once in a while one goes bad. About 7 years ago we had one tearing up the garbage cans all over this mountain for about a month and a half before they finally trapped him. They killed him 'cause he was a three-time loser--already had a red tag in his ear, which meant he'd come back from relocation to the MTPP twice already.
Over on the Big Mountain, there are hordes of city tourists who really honestly think the animals in the woods are trained. Had one jerk ask me to call some of them out of the bush so he could take a photo of his kids sitting on them. Thought he was in Disneyland or something (well, the Company does kinda encourage that attitude, duh...).
About once or twice a summer, some tourist will go wandering off the 'hiking trails' (gravel paths appropriate to ladies in high-heeled sandles and Bermudas and halter tops) and get spooked by a bear; once the guy wound up 'treed' in a lift tower. He called the Patrol screaming on his cell phone; we called the QPP (we don't have any guns) and it took about three hours to get the constable on site and out there on a four wheeler. Bear took off when he heard the motor....
When I go hiking in the Provincial Park with my son, I always carry bear spray and two loaded bear-banger launchers clipped right on my backpack straps where I can get to them in a hurry. Never had to use any of it but I've seen plenty bear sign in those woods.
We never see the bears, tho (which is fine with me); the two of us yak a lot while we're hiking and I genearlly clip a tin cup or two on the outside of my pack so it clanks as I walk. Normal bears don't want to meet us any more than we wanna meet them. The deeper into the bush you get, the less your chances of meeting a 'humanised' bear.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
gravel paths appropriate to ladies in high-heeled sandles and Bermudas and halter tops
I don't see the problem ...
What is a bear banger? We have gang bangers in the lower 48, surely you canucks aren't THAT desparate.
Seriously, what's a bear banger? "Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
A bear-banger is a pyrotechnic device fired from a pen-sized launcher. The banger itself is about the size of a 14-ga shotgun shell, and is fired by a blank .22 cartridge. It's designed to scare the bear away from you without injuring it, and to do so at ranges outside those in which pepper spray is effective (15-100 feet).
It is basically nothing more than a rocket-propelled noise-and-spark-maker. When fired, it whistles while trailing a stream of sparks and smoke, and then explodes with a very loud 'bang!'
The tricky part of using these is that if don't aim it properly, the banger can explode behind the bear and frighten it towards you. You've got to practise with them until you can judge how high to aim it. If you fire it flat horizontal, it will go about 75 feet; if the bear is closer than that you have to do a sort of 'pop fly' trajectory that will drop it between you and the bear as it explodes.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
I've a confession. May be good for the soul or maybe I'm just telling on myself, I dunno.
After seeing a blackbear visitor on my pop's deck at 10pm with lights on all over I've been rather cautious at night any time I exit to my truck
wondering what might be behind a parked car on the way.
Week back was walking out to my truck viewing the dark with the regular cautious look
when across the road a loud branch snap is heard. I maintain my dignified in-control saunter while continuing to the last 5 yards or so to the truck,
then a number of similar loud branch snappings occur across the road maybe 20 yards away.
I ran to the truck.
Okay, as long as we're doing true-confessions....
During the period our neighbourhood was playing unwilling host to that renegade black bear, pretty much everyone around the lake was seeing/hearing real or phantom bears everytime they went outside at night. I swore I heard 'Mr. Bear' (as Ryan called him) in the woods across the road one night while I was taking out the garbage. (I was probably imagining it, too, LOL. Damned bear can't be everywhere at the same time and this is a big area....)
A week or so after that, I got a call from the game wardens telling me they'd finally bagged him and he had been dispatched (I was their contact here since I'd filed the initial report). Just after dark that evening, a whole gaggle of teenage girls who were visiting a friend at the cottage next door came out together to take out the garbage, all chattering and giggling nervously to each other about 'the bear' and making lots of noise. One of them had a 'bear bell' and was ringing it enthusiastically.
I was putting some tools back in my shed, which placed me on the other side of a thin screen of trees, about 25 feet from where they were. No way could they see me in the dark. I couldn't help myself: I growled.
Shrieks, screams, panic. They knocked the garbage can over and bounced off each other scrambling back to the house.
I'm probably gonna get sent to Hell for having done that. Still was funny, tho....
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
That was worthy! View Image
you were just unbearably mean..........................................
I'm not flippin' you off.........just counting cubits
Heh! That reminds me of the time I was fishing in Florida over spring break. I went out with my mom's cousin Jimmy, who was quite the prankster.We're floating around the flats of the Gulf and we come up on a small boat that's run aground on a sandbar.A guy at the helm and presumably his 12/13 year old son is in the water trying to shift the boat back into deeper water.We sidle up to them and Jimmy hollers out to the kid...WATCH OUT FOR THAT SHARK!!Well, I've never seen a human move so quickly. Kid went from chest deep water to onto the boat deck in a femtosecond. All one motion; no wriggling up the side or anything. Probably would have given Michael Phelps a run for his money. Don't think they were real happy once they figured out the ruse. But we laughed about that story all the way back to the house.'Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it' ~ Chinese proverb
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ROFLMAOExactly what I would have done.And still been grinning about it today.I dreamed that I was dreaming with nowhere to sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
I had a mama bear and a cub behind my garage last summer. I saw the cub, but I didn't notice the mama around the corner 20 feet at first. I hustled my girls in quick.
Have a good day
Now you're going to get Smokey the Bear after you for lighting his woods up. and picking on his cousins..............
I'm not flippin' you off.........just counting cubits
Probably just a monkey in a bear suit.
Quit storing your bananas in the BBQ.
Then I dreamed that I was sleeping, with nothing to dream....You are always welcome at Quittintime
bear tag and fire power...
eat well....
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
The only fire power I have needs a compressor and nails. Oh the Hilti too but it was stolen
HAve a good day
I knew a guy from Alaska that always carried a 45.
Better a bear in the orchard than an orcherd in the bear. You had to be there.
The spray does work though. Maybe both.
Will Rogers