Hello. What type of anchor do you use when securing interior wall sole plates to a slab?
Stud with epoxy, expansion type, hardened nails?
I would like to use one the resists pull out the most. From what I have read the epoxy ones seem to do the best.
Thanks as always.
Split drive. Fast and easy. Seems pretty good for pull-out strength.
Thanks Ken. I think Simpson makes a split drive also.
Most interior partitions, 1/4" Tapcons are all the pull-out resistance you will need. The studs will pull off the plate before the Tapcons will pull out of the slab.
Shearwalls, then the epoxied studs are the way to go, with the big square washers.
Thanks Bill. Have you ever used one of the new Titen HD anchors by Simpson?
Yes, I have used Titens, but only in the big sizes. They are like huge Tapcons. Fast, strong, and reversable.