I was putting up a sign on my property and a drunk guy comes down the walk way and defecates less than 10′ away from me on my property! I am renovating a bed and breakfeast near downtown Washington DC and a homeless shelter is nearby. Anything that is not nailed down is stolen and vandalized. I recently purchased a construction dog that I always said I wanted… I chose a female doberman pinscher about 2 years old that had been obedience trained by a reputable breeder. She is surprisingly well socialized. Yet on more than 1 occassion she’s been ready willing and able to tear into the backsides of evil doers? She is always available for late night property checks and does not require overtime or other incentives other employees require. I want to hear input from others who have similiar expereiences or needs?
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Hey, I almost forgot about this but 20 years ago I was framing houses for a living, acting the gunslinger, and this kind of mangy lookin' dog used to come around every day around lunch time lookin' for a bite or two. Well my partner always used to feed "Spot" so he would always find us.
One day, Dave (my partner) had to take a dump around 11 AM. Spot didn't show up that day for lunch. We kind of looked around for him and finally found him, over in the brush, eatin' what Dave left there around 11! This is no BS! From that day on we called him "Spot, the sh*t eatin' dog". Now, THAT'S the kind of dog you need to have around. - jb
*Back in the hippie days I lived in India for a while and this one place I stayed had a real nice outhouse, but it was weird because down in the hole it was always empty and clean. A real mystery. The back of the little building was open down low and I finally decided that somebody must clean it out every day. One morning when I was out there doing my deal, I heard this grunting and snorting and looked down the hole and there was the neighborhood hog taking care of business.
*lonecat, my brother, you have officially given me reason to never eat swine again. Thank you, and I'm gonna print this out so the missus won't forget! - jb
*I refuse to allow my dog to eat pooh........LOL
*Best Construction Dog? Rottweiler of course. They are the linebacker of dogs. Smart, trainable, tough, and very loyal. They know better than to eat poop and most other dogs and people are smart enough to leave them alone. They actually do not derserve their reputation as a "mean" dog. They get this from bad owners or bad breeding. Rotts are herding dogs and therefore very territorial and protective of their herd (i.e, the owner & family) so you have to be a little careful. Overall, I love their spirit and drive to please.Cameron
*My old boss had Rotweilers and I learned to like and respect the breed. Some years before that however I had an experience that might be instructive. Arrived on a job site (occupied residence). Got out of the truck, said hello to the Rotweiller, patted him on the head, he was fine. Walked by him to the client's door and he nipped my calf, not bad but enough to break the skin. He was just warning me, but I was there at the owner's invitation (written, authorized work order) and that nip would have been actionable (read lawsuit big time) if I wanted. Rotweillers don't give the same barking and growling warning as other breeds.SECOND STORY. Neighbor's had a new kitchen being done. I noticed that the black lab with the red bandanna was on guard day and night. Poor dog must have been abandoned though, still there after job was done. Then I got close enough to see it was a painted wooden cut-out with a real bandanna! Nothing to do with construction, just a yard ornament.
*I'd like that painted dog a lot better than any damn Rotweiler.
*If I still worked in the i big cityI'd cart one of those i cut-outdogs around to every job. . . if I was dumb enough to believe that those bent on evil intent would also be dumb enough not to notice it was. . . a prop.Those black lab-with-bandanna lawn ornaments have been the rage around here for years. . . never yet mistook one for the real thing. . . even when driving by at speed !!!My vote for best damn dog is a burly German Sheppard. . . smart, tough, intimidating looking, great with kids, loyal as can be, not potentially psycho like dob's and rot's!!!-pm (still 20/20. . . with help)
*Best Dog? Brittany, the ones with the lumpy head.Best Job Site Dog? Mutt, omnivorous... eats donuts, pizza, and coldcuts with ease.Best Guard Dog? Scots Terrier. View the Scotty as a Piranna with fir, and you'll get the picture. Small, with 60% of bodymass being teeth.
*nasaun,I vote for the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Used in Africa to hunt lions. A tougher dog I've never seen. Very smart too.Richard
*My best Washington DC story; Years ago was working for a company that redoing some town houses in a "bad part of town". My job every morning was to lay out a 100' ft cord from the temp power to the days work area.This meant laying a cord up the street into the house down the hall up the stairs ect..ect... After doing this one morning I walked back to get my coffee and found the cord gone. My little walk took just a minute and I figure that someone was rolling up as fast as I was unrolling the cord. This was the same place that they had a armed guard at night so the copper pipe and wire would stay in the walls..lol
*I had a 1/2 siberian huskie&1/2 samoyed "Beardog" 100lbs all white with light blue eyes She lived in my truck,slept on the toolbox, never had a tool stolen.nobody went near it that didnt know her.we used to drink in the bar together,she had her own barstool.loved beer and peanuts.I think that might have killed her early .she fell over dead one day,only 7yrs old.she could climb ladders trees even walk joist.Now I have a Newfoundland"Murphy".he's in jobdog training.he's doing allright but it takes alot of time and paitence,only 2yrs old.real mellow and BIG.no beer for him.
*Here's one for you girls,Get 1 to 12 geese, No dogs, See what happens. Bet you don't go near the place," Oh" by the way make sure one is a male.....
*Have you ever herd of a Rhodesian Ridgeback. That my friends is the perfect construction dog. They where raised to hunt lions in africa. Over here they use them to hunt bears. My wife and I have a sheperd/Rhodesian cross. Let me tell you, I have seen it take two strides and cow tip a colly on its butt.I have a friend that is on the search and rescue. He has two shepards. His partner has a hound and a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He told me that when out on a rescue the Rhodesian outlasted the hound and the sheperds. They are totally trainable. And the nice thing about the dog is a nice ridge that sticks up when he gets angery. A perfect warning sign if the client comes around. I would sugest a Rhodesian Ridgeback to anyone. And for those who are still skeptical they look like a cross between a pit bull and a yellow lab.Jason
*its gotta be female nothing pisses me off more than grabbin a piece of wood thats been pissed on.
*There are only two kinds of dogs. German Shepards and those that wish they were.
*I have two beagles. "Sawdust and Stanley" are by far the best watchdogs. Not only will they warn the entire world of any intruder, they are extremely protective of their owner and his property.
*Well, you can get a slightly used Greyhound for next to nothing (there's an organization that places former racing dogs so that they're not put down at 3 years old when they're through racing). Nice clean dog, loving, protective, smart, loud bark (but not yappy), lots of very large teeth, brave, and one of the few breeds I'd trust around small children. Best of all, if yours decides to evicerate some burglar in the middle of the night, neither the police nor the judge will think you're habouring a dangerous animal.
*The border collies are impossible to beat you can always take them home and get the cows up with them.JDC
*Well I have an australian shepherd- goes everywhere with me- bout fifty pounds and the little bitch will tackle anything that walks. She is quick and nasty when I tell her to be. Nobody comes to our door when she is on the stoop. ( I'm thinking about getting her to answer telemarketers calls.)Truthfully she is quite smart- loves kids- chases off any man she doesn't know-and she has tackled a rutting buck in the woods below my deck...
*I just saw this on Oprah (yes: Oprah. By a fluke happened to see a couple of minutes of it this afternoon). 'Dogs With Jobs'; one was a construction dog, had his own toolbelt, he was going up and down ladders to bring tools and other things to guys on the roof. Looked like some sort of retriever. The owner said they get a lot of work from people who see the dog in action.
I was putting up a sign on my property and a drunk guy comes down the walk way and defecates less than 10' away from me on my property! I am renovating a bed and breakfeast near downtown Washington DC and a homeless shelter is nearby. Anything that is not nailed down is stolen and vandalized. I recently purchased a construction dog that I always said I wanted... I chose a female doberman pinscher about 2 years old that had been obedience trained by a reputable breeder. She is surprisingly well socialized. Yet on more than 1 occassion she's been ready willing and able to tear into the backsides of evil doers? She is always available for late night property checks and does not require overtime or other incentives other employees require. I want to hear input from others who have similiar expereiences or needs?