Thats what ya need some days..and a boom lift.
Here is what we have been hovering on for a spell, got 3 of em done today…whew.
12 MORE to go.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
” If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon”
Thats what ya need some days..and a boom lift.
Here is what we have been hovering on for a spell, got 3 of em done today…whew.
12 MORE to go.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
” If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon”
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Good looking stuff there amigo. :)
What the problem is?
wsa the tipi a shot from off the roof?
Tell that dude working in that one shot to wear some head and neck cover. That ain't healthy.
be a sky pilot at work
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. A bird sings because it has a song.
He's like that in winter..either BP or Injun blood in him...or a classic "redneck" but I'll not tell him thhat, he has a REAL short fuse.
Ya thats a huh?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
He shot that pic with the boom lift standing straight up.That tipi smells just like Andy's.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
be what the world needs is a copper teepee
Hey, you talking about Atkins?.
Edited 9/6/2006 7:50 pm ET by rez
Yeah, you got it..I mis read the ? from Rez..long azz day. Got home at 630...loaded pics while slurping down roast beef an taters.
Wifey OK?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
She's fine - Doc said he wished they all went that well. She's zonked out on pain killers. She told me to go away, she wanted to sleep when she got to her room about 2. I took Lindsay back about 4 to see her and she told us to go away she wanted to sleep. I'll go check on her in the morning.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
That is real cool to hear, I didn't even know anything till Dale said something.
Oh, and sorry we FU'ed on that size on them odd balls, we never DID get to lay a tape on them, just eyeballed from where we could get... and they LOOKED the same from the ground...OoooPsss.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Oh, and sorry we FU'ed on that size on them odd ballsAin't no thing - was it 3 0r 6 that are larger? Dale told me, but I was driving. I forgot to ask how many you guys have left. And, do you want that lady in Hartland calling you? She has about a days worth of misc carp. projects. And Call Joe G. He left me another message today - he's got several projects for you. Got his #?
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
Need 6 pcs. @ 12"x60".
Calling Joe at his office at lunch tomorrow, kinda might wanna wait on getting started till late Oct if he's ok w/that..I got too much happening just now.
I think I'll pass on that woman in Hartland, for the same reason. Them "little" jobs can really get in the way of the important jobs..and I don't care to mix the two right now..YOU keep me busy enough! Then there is winter already knocking soon..and tons to do here at the shack.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
they LOOKED the same from the ground...OoooPsss.
You're fired.We change the course of history,everyday people like you and me
Ok, come finish for me...only 12 to go, and the rest have to be scaffolded, no more boom real soon.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
No way, I'm too chicken sh!t to work out of a boom.We change the course of history,everyday people like you and me
>>>>>>>>.>>>>No way, I'm too chicken sh!t to work out of a boom.They beat the hell out of scaffolding in a lot of cases. Harness yourself and you can't fall. Only problem is sometimes they break and you get stuck up there.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
Like Seeyou says. Wear your harness and no worries. It beats an extension ladder all to heck.
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
Chet just called and asked that you guys keep the boom out of the maple tree (you might have already planned to scaffold). He doesn't want any limbs broken although he knows it needs trimming. That part of the conversation took 5 secs. The next 5 mins was dedicated to praising you guys and the effort you're putting into taking care of his yard when using the boom and the work you're doing. He's a tough one to please and you guys are getting glowing reviews. I decided to put this out here for others to see. Thanks.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
I JUST walked in the door..700. We Did FOUR!
Ok, we still need to solder alot..but we stayed till 5:45 to knock out the last one..I love this cool down.
Uh, we are already done figguring about the tree, we are gonna rope off the lower in-in-the-way branches to get past them, then we are gonna surgically implant our selves from above. Only one more dormer "in the woods" the other two are done..above the heat pumps.
For the first time we left the boom out that side there, we were too bushed to transport and, if he asks why, our story is we are outta gas,,,LOL..and really, we are almost. It is parked on plywood on nasty grass, he'll be OK once the shock of it a subsides..
Talked w/ Joe..we be cool for end of Oct. Patient man right there..what it has been 2 yrs?
Anyway, Chet is a cool guy..I wonder if he delivers the pizza on the two SEGUE"S they have, or does he use the Carrea? I didn't see scuffs from the delivey sign on the roof of the Porsch, so I guess maybe the mommy Benz is the real deal. (G)
We'll have all the site looking pristine when we pull out for the weekend, he'll never know where we were, unless he looks up.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
You were gone before he called, so everything must be OK. Hell, I'll order a pizza - that way I can get some face time with him.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
I was shocked at first meet..he IS a hansome SOB, ya know?
We call em, Ken and Barbie..LOL
Mikey got the best laugh, he was putting in Gutter mesh from a ladder, caught an eye full of Ken fresh outta the shower, "buffing his azz with a towel" ...poor Mikey is now questioning his inner self.. Thats some really funky waters to be stirring up.!
You gonna tell the viewers at home, who we are talking about?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
>>>>>>>>>>You gonna tell the viewers at home, who we are talking about?NO!!!!!!! Absolutely not. No clues either. Too much terrorist/kidnap potential. Keep the location to yourself as well. There's probably only 15 people in the country that don't know dad and most of them have some sort of opinion about him, good or bad. I understand why he's a little jumpy - they want to live a fairly average joe life (albiet privledged), but have to operate under the cloud of possibly being targets of some type.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
I knew that.
some joke about the black helo's over head, we are passed 4x a day. No kidding.
The kid cracks me up tho'..on a 5K$ segue..or segway...he's like/
" I am blankity0blank..just like my blankity blank, you mighta seen him on TV, he coulda beeen blankity blank, but he didn't want to.."
Then shows me how a segway can do the grass.
Awesome job..just awesome.
But. I'll be glad to be gone.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
>>>>>some joke about the black helo's over head, we are passed 4x a day. No kidding.Yeah, you guys are working in a twilight zone kinda world. It's a reality for somebody, but not me or you.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
>>>>>>>>he coulda beeen blankity blank, but he didn't want to.."Yeah, maybe if he didn't aim both barrels at both feet.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
Did I ever tell ya about the time our buddy Chet opened for Taj Mahal?
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
Get outta here! I heard some good tunes through the roof...finally in 3 bars nailed it, he was playin some Mark stuff. Dale was impressed..LOL
Do tell.
Hey, I need to fire off tonite to you, check yer Email later and Dale can PU in the AM?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
>>>>I need to fire off tonite to you,fire away"I got the blues in my $1000.00 shoes"
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
You ain't no streetwalker mama honey.......
but I sure do like the way you strut your stuff!
Ring a bell?A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Do you and dale ever hold hands? You know, for comfort.
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
No. But he has had to pick me up by my harness when my legs cramped up sitting on that dormer soldering or nailing.
Really, sitting on it to work is the only way, and you can get stuck when your hips lock, or you just seize from being in a bad position.
Who needs Yoga?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
I know the feeling.
Hey I spent the day in Berea today.
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
I get very little time to be "in my back yard" like Berea, but when I do/did..I love it there.
A very cool Dulcimer dude/woodworker still has a shop there, I want to say he is Warren May? and others..that is why I chose to move here..for the art/wood area there..but, my shop is a shambles,and teaching is for those who can't still do this stuff that Grant teaches me how to teach myself..
I love that. I have the power to learn as I go, and I seem to be firing on all cylinders most of the time..if I could find a guy like me to finish MY house, I'd be pretty much outta reason to be still working now wouldn't I?
I like the plan..I work, I get paid, I work here, I get patience and understanding.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
It's a very nice little town. The people will really enjoy it at Spherefest. :)
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
Spherefest requires a plan and a background check...
I'll pay each attendee a 100.00 to come..hows zat? LOL
Bring the big toys, we got work to do.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Stihl 025 right tool for a Spherefest?
Beautiful work, darlin', and thanks for taking us along on the ride.
I do my best work when I don't touch the ground..
Bring the saw, you take home 100 bucks..sounds like a plan. But, no log sawing, I did all that.
11.5 hours today..dooor to door..I should be drunk. Or asleep.
I threw the bee's view in there just for you..(G)
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
I got WATER today.
Boat drinks!!!
PS: If you were shooting for me, where's the pic of the handsome gentleman? You always keep the best stuff for yourself...
The MOST hansome was the guy taking the pics (G)
Second most is a paparrazi allowed.
I'd like a taste of the Montana sweetwater, send me some..ours is limestone that makes horses strong...but I miss Philly.
Hey, to all and Gman..this is a do we present THIS mess to him? Being as it is upwater from our new work, when it shows a leak, next rain, it makes us look culpable....we din't touch anything.
View Image
And to add insult to injury, I think the UG lines are plugged w/ tennis balls...The kid was bragging about getting them over the house in one shot, and we snagged one yesterday outt athe gutter that was waiting on the screen..go figgure.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
I need a new mental image. Last time i 'saw' you, your renters had posted a stinging rebuke of your roofing intentions.Twist with the "Bitterroot Sweet"? Ja, it's really what they call it.
Here's a picture of the "Butt suction" He's talking about.
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
Butt section, maybe. Wherz the rest of it?
Got beer, will travel...
View Image
Ahhhh..what do we do?
We sanitized and pulled out at 330...lots going on for a shindig that is up coming..and if ya talk w/ him we lowered the flag to half staff as per his request..noted that: rope is cotton and almost gone, pulley is fine for 1/2" or fatter rope, but binds when the sheave sucks the 3/8th" rope as installed...
Point being, when we depart, he'll be wanting to raise the flag when this tribute to the recent loss is over....and he will need us to do it.
I say, R&R the whole shebang, new rope ( POLY) and new BRASS Sheave.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
11.5 hours? You poor thing.
"I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and no one there was mad at me." DustinF 06'
Edited 9/8/2006 12:45 am ET by Gunner
Nice looking property/house, and those dormers are looking good.
Doesn't look like real slate. Is that rubber, concrete, what? How far up under it did you have to take the copper?
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." --Albert Schweitzer
beautiful abode
your copper will go to that aqua verdigris?you have a reputation to uphold
What lurks behind those lace curtains?and where are the horses?
Thanks, they be POLO horses here, no Derby shots in the future.
The DW there wants us to pantinze the new work, but we generally don't do that..up to Grant at this time, I am just a Sub.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Is that rubber, concrete, what? How far up under it did you have to take the copper?They're real slate - the original roof on the house. The valleys are made from 18" stock, so they're extending under the slate about 6"-7".
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
It is a real slate, from the 40's. Softer than I am used to from PA or VT. Lotsa MICA or Quartz and doesn't seem real good IMO.
We tuck up under about 3" under the original starters that were laid around the out the nails, and slide up under, then solder to the intersection, then a bead of tri-polymer just for good luck at the downhill side.
The old work was eaten by the asphaltum/rosin ( pitch) goo, and the intersection was too tite, the CU moves and rubs, and water erosion adds to the failure right in the crease/fold.
Heck, it lasted 60 yrs or so, but the design was built to fail.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
I have no idea what a butt suction is, but it made me laugh....Is it like lyposuction? <G>
The tipi shot reminds of my ol' Kentucky home!
Be careful up there.....
I have no idea what a butt suction is, but it made me laugh....Is it like lyposuction?
As in a suction cup on his butt to keep from sliding off the roof.jt8
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." --Albert Schweitzer
<<I have no idea what a butt suction is, but it made me laugh....Is it like lyposuction?As in a suction cup on his butt to keep from sliding off the roof.>>And I thought it had to do with the fear of falling off. As in: Pucker Factor. Must be a regional interpretation.;-)
Butt suction is when you stay stuck on that rounded surface, slippery with sweat, flux, and slate the seat of your pants and your abilty to wanna go home in one pc. so you do a reverse fart and hang on. LOL
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Oh - I just happened to think about a post you made a while back about paste flux in the shop vs on the roof. You still have to have liquid flux out to clean your iron. The tip will queer if you dip it in paste. I use it in the shop because the fumes are not as bad, but I still have to have ruby fluid out to clean the tip.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
I still need a hatchett tip and a new diamond. I fixed the lock on for the gas, and the igniter is 50/50...we have a LOT of soldering in the AM.
If Mikey can..maybe..nah, nevermind..we probly have enough sticks..the fat ones are more better for this stuff..I got nada, don't know Dale's stock..Mikey also needs a lot of Geo/clear tubes, or black jack, for his party.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Should have told me today and I could have had new tips tomorrow.I'll get 'em Tues. Mikey's taken care of.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
I thought ABC had them, and he was going, but we're ok, for the time being.
Mikey got a second wind, and is enjoying himself..I'm impresed, so far. He did a knock up job on the playhouse Rand R the bad slates, with the ripper, I got from Walter..I love this place.
Walter snagged it on ebay, and sent it to me, I give it to Mikey, and the world is happy. Dale owes me 70 bucks..LOL.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Thanks for the explanation.....The title just struck me as funny as my butt could use a little suction....BTW, friends brought 40 pounds of Hatch chiles back and we went over there last night and roasted all 40 pounds!!! Man, our freezer is full.....enough to last all winter.....
One power out and the deep freeze is gone!
You can can ( you can can..LOL) 24 qts in a lazy day!
I had NO crop this yr. Just as well. I did put up 'maters tho', but the pepps just didn't make it...
Still have a gallon of hot sauce from last yrs batch...that'll last me till next Aug. I hope. But I miss the pickeled and fresh.
New plan for the next starts, don't buy potting/seed mix from the farm supply...I will germinate in newspaper like always, and get a better green house/coldframe going.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
What are those peppers you gave me? I love 'em.
"Let's go to Memphis in the meantime, baby" - John Hiatt.
Long skinny was a "cubanelle"
Short frumpy was " Mexicali bell"
The last are just gettin red, and sweet..I'll save ya some. And the seeds, but I think the Bell are hybreds, so no go on them.
Next YR, I'll kick azz..this 37 degree latitude and my shade trees will have to be reckoned with. I have the plot that failed the first yr. due to shade, and second yr due to bad starts..3rd time is the charm!
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" If ya plan to face tomorrow, do it soon"
Now, these are NM green chiles, hot, but not too hot.....We roast them, skin them and freeze them for use in the winter.....August and September are the prime months for NM chiles.....Friend bought them from the roadside on her way back from Santa Fe.....The guy also threw in some poblamos for free! Think Chile Rellenos.....