In the hard-knocks world of commercial and industrial construction, subcontractors are almost always responsible for their own cleanup and disposal. I was on both sides of the fence there, and know it from experience.
But, in residential work, a lot of folks would say that cleanup and disposal is something the GC builder is supposed to do.
Tell us your success stories, if you have them, of having your subs do their own cleanup and disposal.
Gee didn't we go through this at least 3 times in the last 6 months? LOL!
Subs always want to charge the time they spend cleaning up.
One of the suggestions was to have a "condition of site" clause in a subcontractor proceedure manual.
Quality repairs for your home.
Aaron the Handyman
Vancouver, Canada
Tell us your success stories, Another life time ago, Once I asked the foundation Sub. " What is it going to take to keep your garbage(coffee cups, coke cans, lunch debris) picked up?" He answered " A garbage can" No problem I says, next day I brought one, second day-- well it looked like the Cement truck had driven over it, and in fact it had. Garbage on my job sites,, not allowed, I will pick it up as quick as you can drop it on the ground, construction debris- throw it in the designated pile. Merry Christmas All,, Jim J
I provide a dumpster and one or two large plastic trash cans, as well as a broom and dust pan. All the subs are pretty good about tossing most trash in the dumpster, but they tend to leave a lot of little clipped wires and stripped insulation from the electrician. Considering how much stuff makes it into the dumpaster, I don't get too bent out of shape about the daily sweeping I have to do.
Do it right, or do it twice.
we have a contractor (major contactor) that post a 4X8 sign that says all visitor and subcontractor are responsile for clean up. Every monday at mandtory safety meeting he tells everybody about this. If somebody does not clean up, he hired daliy temps and then there bill is deduct from subs final take. After a couple jobs, people start cleaning up. I has a testing lab got a bill fromm him for some left over concrete. Boss wasn't happy.
It written in the contracts, its posted out front on 4X8 professinal painted sign and its mention at every safety meeting in which subs must sign. You cannot fight it, its legal. Subs do not like it but there is nothing that can be done, fool proof. site look real clean.
Plus the local city litter patrol write ticket for anything on the ground after 5pm. Roofer hate him. ticket goes to sub. $250 an incident. Take it to court, proved innocent, must pay court cost. $150. I think the main contractor calls the litter patrol.
The best employee you can have but you wouldn't want him as a neighbor " He the shifty type"