I’m looking for floor plan ideas for a double wing colonial to be built in New England. For all the house plan companies online, I really can’t find one that does a lot with traditional New England colonials.
Anybody know of any companies online that may have what I’m looking for? Searching on Google has turned out to be a pain. Everything comes back to a site that just wants you in the door, but doesn’t really have anything good. I never realized this was such a cut-throat industry online!
I’m going to check out some local resources today as well. Thanks for any help.
You have to allow popups for the site to work. It is an online catalog searchable by square footage. It may not be exactly what you are looking for but there is no hardsell or commitment to look. I work for this company so I can tell you that
plans are customizable so a variation on a catalog plan may get you what you need
for less. Archy in PA, NJ, VA, DE. Good Luck.