The long and short of it is, I loaded CA v.9.5 full version onto a 6 month old Toshiba laptop running Win Xp with Service pack2 and Norton AV, and experianced multiple auto reboots and lockups. I reformatted the machine and reloaded everything, the last program being CA. I’m now experiancing the same stuff, lockups, reboots, primarily during microsoft programs (Int. Explorer, Word, Works.) Even once while on BT typing up a reply.
Anyone ever have a similar problem? I’ve posted to CA forum but haven’t heard back. Will probably have to uninstall CA to ensure that’s the problem (not to mention get some proposals cranked out.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’d like to say CA is a great program, but I haven’t even opened it yet, just ran through the tutorial.
nick... do you post on Chief's site ?
or the chief -users group ?
i seldom go to the chief site.... it's a great forum , but i subscribe to the Chief Users Group, which is on yahoo...
if you haven't already signed up.. try this
i get my contacts from them by email.. but you can also just visit the web site
as to your specific problem.. i can't help you, but someone in the user group probably can..
you're in Mass. right ? so you bought it from Berryale ? if so.. give Steve Blake a call , he's a whiz
Connecticut, New London county, and I did subscribe to the user's group and post the question, but it didn't make it yet. Maybe it has to be approved for a first time user. I'll call Steve Blake this week, I might have already spoken to him about a problem I had with the software lock. Thanks. I loaded the program onto my old laptop, but had to make it a compact install due to lack of space. Deleting stuff right and left, trying to strip the machine down so I can store projects, not a lot of space left, hoping someone can help rectify the problem, but thanks again.I never met a tool I didn't like!
I would at least disable Nortons while installing CA.
Or even get rid of Norton's all together.
Some tutorials can really be nasty, if they're the type that try to manipulate the mouse pointer for you, push buttons, etc.
You might want to try using the pgm without the tutorial and see if it still causes problems.
The company web site generally will suppress most reports of recurrent nasty problems. Use Google or another search engine to find folks with problems similar to yours.
(If you can separately uninstall the tutorial, try that.)
Another thing to try is adjusting the acceleration setting on your display, if it has such a setting. Graphics programs often "find" bugs in display cards that aren't there in normal operation. Also, search your computer mfgr's web site for fixes such as CMOS upgrades.
I think BBill has it right. A lot of SP users have to disable Norton to install the program, and I was told by HP tech the same rthing when I had problems with a printer installation
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CA has the notice not only in the intall booklet but a popup prior to install to disable AV protection. I turned off aut- protect for Norton, and I think that disables it. I've heard a lot lately that has turned me off on Norton, but we'll see what CA has to say this week, thanks. I need to get designing spring projects and this has set me back some, so I have to get it resolved sooner rather than later. People prefer neat CAD-produced drawings over plans scrawled on napkins; it's almost as much a selling tool as it is building tool.
I never met a tool I didn't like!
That might just disable the scan of emails and/or selected files. It then restarts itself whenever the PC is restarted which you do to install another program, so both are trying to get themseolves set up at the same time, whcih could account for the endless loop you have on startup.
This page from their FAQs knowledge base might help-
remember to re-enable after you get installed and running
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
BTW, thanks for the link. There are 10 disks that came with CA 9.5, including 7 tutorials. With the full version, you load the software from one disk, then the program prompts you for another two. After that you have to load tutorials. There are breaks in the install that Norton might have switched back on again, as there is only one prompt to disable AV. With snow tomorrow, and the tile guy delaying the current project a day, I'll take tomorrow off and try to flesh this whole mess out, call Steve Blake as Mike suggested and see what he has to say.
Thanks again.
I never met a tool I didn't like!
"it's almost as much a selling tool as it is building tool....
I never met a tool I didn't like!"I noticed your last line here cf. CAD as a tool.
I was writing anarticle for FHB re "Cad in the toolbox" but the powers that be at Taunton determined that it was a tool that was beuyond the budget of their normal reader or subscriber and therefore not worth pursuing an article on. Care to comment?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
paul.. it sure changed the way we do business..
i could always do design and drafting work..but i couldn't get the drawings out the door.
now... the potential is unlimited..
especially as a small design /build firm... the cad is like adding a draftsmanMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
It sells projects, it's that simple. It's a valuable tool that allows the client to see a facsimile of the finished project and allows them to change their mind before the walls are painted, not after, and that saves time, money, and frustration, all important factors when remodeling. Anyone who thinks it is not a tool in this business has never used it or sold a project using it. People eat this stuff up, and it makes you look much more professional than the guy who doesn't. My opinion, for what it's worth.
I never met a tool I didn't like!
Just another milestone along the way in the dumbing down of FHB
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!