Hi all,
Finishing up a foundation on the current addition project I’m doing. Usually I spread old motor oil on the forms to help with separation but I’m interested in using something else this time that is less smelly, toxic. I’d like to reuse the panels on another project.
Has anyone used other separation agents? Soap?
See if you can get a bucket of used french fry oil from a fast food joint. Hurry while french fries are still legal. I don't know how well it would work, but it is biodegradable.
I'm finishing up a new foundation under my old home. I've had great luck with form release w/basic cooking oil. I've used several gallons by now and all brands seem to work equally well.
MAKE SURE IT'S POLYUNSATURATED OIL, the 'crete fail if it takes in too much chloresterol.no turn left unstoned
I use Thompson's Waterseal and it's always worked really well. I don't think it makes much difference whether you use the thicker oil-based product or the thinnner paraffin-based product for this application, but I've always used the paraffin base.
I figured that motor oil was'nt the only solution but it's nice to hear some real experience. I'm pouring tomorrow at 3pm!
Several years ago iI bought some form oil from a concrete accrssories business which smelled and looked just like diesel fuel. Since then I have used diesel which has worked fine, although somewhat smelly. If anyone knows why this is not a good procedure, please respond.
Diesel fuel - however EPA is not all that found
If you call your local supplier they make several release agents, (however Diesel is still the best)