I would like to replace a crib wall built above a step foundation on the upslope side of my house so I can regrade the front of the house to provide better drainage (away from house). This would also allow me to backfill against the house and provide a level entrance to front door as opposed to existing deck now. My question is what would be the best method to accomplish this. My current foundation (step on gentle hillside) is poured with 2 x 6 crib above. I want to somehow replace the crib walls with block or something. Also, not sure how to connect the existing foundation step wall with the new extension part above.
Hey dutch,
What is your current foundation, concrete or block?
How tall is the crib?
Do you have a basement or crawl space?
Is this a bearing wall?
You want to lose the deck, but you really need to leave 6"- 9" clearance from dirt to sill for termite protection. Depends on your local AHJ.
Are you planning a porch or stoop? Of what construction?
What is your frost depth?
Thanks Sam,
To give you a bit more info, crib is about 4 feet high (upslope) and 12 feet high on downslope over crawlspace and poured concrete foundation. Crib is standard 2 by with lags into foundation every 6 feet or so. House is in CA foothills so frost is 24" or less I would guess. Would like to eventually take advantage of large crawlspace to accomodate a basement somehow later on (but thats another thread). My plan for front is to replace deck with backfill compacted (french drain too) with simple one step poarch or similar. The front will slope away from house to an artificial swale area and drain around sides of house. Another thought was to use threaded extensions to lag bolts through cinder blocks above, etc. to help connect new foundation to existing lower. I am also considering drystacking and surface bonded concrete (did that before and it worked great). But again, I am not able to get to top of blocks to fill them or place new sill. Any thoughts would be great.
Thanks again.