I’d really appreciate any links to sites that have interesting deck railing designs. The project I am working on is a 2 part deck, the main section is slate with the underside (soffit) done with 1×6 clear redwood v-groove t&g. There is a return section with stairs that is done with exposed redwood framing and ipe on top. The original railing design called for tempered glass panels, but because of cost overrun issues, has been scraped.
The house has a fabulous view, so I don’t want to go with anything that obstructs it (the driving motivator behind the original glass design). Yet, I also don’t want anything that will be ‘lost’ in the overall structure, this is an imposing deck so the railing should feel the same – grand.
I thought about a contempory style using painted (powder coated, I believe) pipe rails, but I’ve got code issues with horizontal railing members. So now I’m leaning to a classic design using 6×6 newels, simple 2×2 balusters… all painted white, but use Ipe for the top rail. I think it would tie the 2 deck elements together, and the 6×6 newels would be make quite a visual statement.
what does everyone think?
Try to find Pro Dek through the search here and e-mail him.