Does anyone know of a good source of information on the design and construction of double walls? I found a little information in “Graphic Guide to Frame Construction” by Rob Thallon but it left me with a lot of unanswered questions and I would like to find a more comprehensive work on the subject.
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There are lots of ways to minimize air leakage and improve energy efficiency, even in an older home.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Hey you,, once again, I'd search for info. on this site in the archives,,Look for the Mooney Wall. I personnally am going to try it next opportunity I get. Jim J
I am currently building a house now using double wall construction. My technique is to frame outside wall, 2x4s, plates, studs, headers etc @ 24" centers. Snap to a 3-1/2" line off the outside of wall. Next wall is framed the same except studs are off set 12" from first wall studs. Line snapped at 7-1/4" inside. Top plate use a 2x8. With blown in cells, I have a good effective R-value of 22-25/inch or better.
I tried to add a photo or two but no such luck. If you have specific questions, I will try to help
A long ago poster, Gene Leger was a proponent of this.
Some of his buildings are in a book on superinsulated houses I have somewhere.
This may be it, maybe not too.
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Joe H
Edited 2/23/2004 1:50:28 AM ET by JoeH
A double wall for soundproofing or insulation purposes?
I know I've been reading quite a bit lately on the practice of framing a "double wall" by using 2x8 plates and 2x6 alternated studs.
If this is what your talking about, do a search for "soundproof walls" on the internet. You should come up with a bunch of info.