okay in the final layout of a 4th bedroom still deciding where to put the closet. I can put it under a soffit which will only allow about the closet to be about 80″ high and 5′ wide or put it on another wall and make it reqular height about 8′ x 6′-6″ wide. If i go the second choice i will want to swing the door into the bedroom to the right and will need to put the switch on the wall under the beam not to mention atleast one outlet and maybe a cable jack. If i do it this way in order to get the wiring there I will have to drill thru 3 2×4’s supporting the beam on the one end. Anything working with drilling (2) holes for wires thru this so called beam support? The beam is a lam beam approx 11′ long with a lally col. supporting the other end.
Thanks Dan….. hope to post a pic soon
Is this another draw the plans as we build project?? :-)
Seriously, I gather the 2x4 beam support you are referring to are triple studs in the wall... When I first read your title I thought you were talking about a 2x4 beam (on what planet!) Anyway, drill a 3/4" or smaller hole in the center of the studs (1 3/4" from edge to the center of the holes) and you will be more than fine. At least in my area anyway - we use IRC2000.
Is this another draw the plans as we build project?? :-)
That's the fun kind!
Right... but don't try this at home :-)
Well I drew up a plan with the closet under the soffit, but miscalculated the bottom of the soffit, so I am considering a field change. What do you think would be better a closet with only an 80" ceiling or a full height ceiling? More than likely I will use the room for storage but am thinking resale value. Was gonna leave the entire area open but since I finished the basement I am thinking about resale value a bonus room or 4th bedroom should add value to the house. By the way if I call it a bedroom gonna have to add a window.
The space above 80" is wasted anyway.
Assuming you're speaking of the "switch" being the one controling the closet light, put the switch in the jamb and never worry about it again. Makes you keep the door closed when not in use.
How deep is the soffit (front to back)? Can you make the closet a little deper so the front wall goes all the way to the ceiling? That way you can use a regular size door with trim. If I read your description right, you only have 80" to the underside of the soffit. Since doors are 80" high, there's no room for trim unless you use a shorter door.
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
the soffit is approx 54" deep had to encase from the beam across the main return and supply plus a branch supply. I was gonna use bifold doors on the closet and guess i could get away with the 79" ones, since this so called bedroom will be between the garage and house was gonna just trim the door opening with drywall and not worry about concealing the door hardware with trim ,not fine home building i know, but did the samething in the basement and doesnt look too bad.
by the way the switch will be for the room lighting, if I move the closet to the other location then i change the door to swing against the other wall and not the side f the closet wall......will get a pic tonite to show the current condition.
I don't agree with the previous guy who said space above 80" is wasted anyway - it depend on how you like the feel of a coffin ;-) On the other hand, if it is not a walk-in closet, I think a 80" high ceiling will be fine since you won't be "in there".
And yes, a 4 bedroom house always has more resale value than a 3. Like you say though - a bedroom generally has a closet and an egress window. Egress where I live means a 2'x2' clear opening. Your milage may vary. BTW - if you are on a spetic system, that may effect you adding another "bedroom" (legally).
A picture would be a good idea. Hardly ever do you really absolutely have to do that kind of drilling. I'd sure try to re-think things so the wiring doesn't have to go thru the jack studs.
-- J.S.