For those who don’t know Woodperfect is a acrylic, semitransparent stain for use on textured fiber cement to give it a “wood look”.
And Jim I don’t know if they have been talking to you or not, but I see that they show samples of intermix colors including Mahogany and Redwood.
Do you have any experience using it on real wood, cedar and fir. I am going to have so T1-11 patterned FC on one side of the house. But cedar trim around the windows on the 2nd floor of a gable end.
And a cedar ledger board for a small pergola over the 1st floor windows & gable roof over the door and T1-11 plywood on the first floor.
Sometime in the next couple of years I want to use a different color solid body on the trim, put on the pergola, and might cover up the T1-11 ply with cedar drop siding or other form.
But In the meantime I want that wall to have some kind of consistant look, manly in the color.
You you have any experience with this?
I also have 3 other sides that are now all cedar and ply. I will probably use a more specific product on those, but while they don’t have to be exact matches I would like a similar tone.
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid – Shoe
I see that you also used the Woodperfect.
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe
Bill, I used it on Hardi, no idea as to whether it would be suitable on wood. They make some deck stain, maybe that would work.
I called them to find the stuff, it's not sold here. Nice people on the phone, give them a call.
800-825-5382 7-5 PST M-F
Joe H
Sorry, Bill, I don't have any experience with Woodperfect on wood. We used Penofin on our exterior trim (old growth vg WRC) and it went real dark - provides a nice contrast to the stain we used on the fiber cement.
As for the mixing, I THINK I remember them advertising premixed even back when we first found it...maybe 10 years ago now. At least I am pretty sure I remember reading about purchasing prepainted in any of the 4 colors, or any mixture...maybe that was not from the manufacturer but from a painting facility they would hook you up with? Can't say I remember clearly, Bill; it's been a while.
I sure hope you post photos, though. I'll be interested to see how your place turns out.