Just lost my favorite pair of earplugs, bought through the old Brookstone catalog some years back. No longer carried. They were rubber with a small hole in a metal core. let in most sounds but baffled the big ones.
Worked for years without hearing protection, got smart as I got old; now I can’t stand to work without. Even wear them to the table when the grandkids come.
So where have you found some good ones? I really hate the small fiber twist-in throw-aways.
The type of earplugs you say you lost may be the type referred to as "shooter's earplugs". Most gun shops or sporting goods stores should have something similar.
Most audiologists can make custom fitted earplugs, but they will block all sound, not just the loud noises. I have a pair, but I actually prefer the tapered foam throw-aways (although I don't throw them away very often.) The ones from the audiologists are a bit more pricey, however, probably starting around $35 to $50 for a set.
From what I seen on earplugs, I think that in terms of blocking the most db's, that the foam plugs are at least equal and usually better than other earplugs and most earplugs are better than the big, bulky earmuffs. (I don't know the db rating of the acoustically active electric powered earmuff/headphones, however.)
I use a type by the EAR Co. that have the two conical shaped plugs on the ends of a bow that lays around your neck. I like them because I can take them in and out easily and at the end of the day, they hang from the rearview mirror post in my truck. They cost about $8 bucks and this last pair have served me for a couple of years.
They don't totally kill all sound which, to me, is an asset, because if I'm falling a tree or running heavy equipment, there are some sounds I can still hear which can alert me to danger or a mechanical problem.
Some people I know HATE the kind of plugs I use, but that's another issue. Everybody's earhole seems custom made for one type or another.
I was circumcised when I was 3 days old; I was unable to walk for over a year.
For years I've been using "pod" plugs made by EAR. They have a 25db rating, and are sold with or without cord. They look like little umbrellas, have a rubber stem to prevent fouling of the foam pod, and are about 60 cents per pair. I buy them in boxes of 100. most comfy.
I think the plugs you`re talking about are made by North or Norton, can`t remember which. I have a set I use for hunting with the pistol. Allows those deer feet on crunchy leaves in while keeping the .44 mag. head slam out. Last year I bought a set from Remington as a back-up cause I misplaced the others. They worked o.k. but rubber wasn`t as comfortable. I can leave the North/Norton in all day with bearable discomfort. It is very important to keep them clean, though, as ears are not particularly clean items. But then, neither are deer guts. (what?)