It’s a bit here or there….But…just looking for fast inputs regarding getting the Festool CT22E or the CT33E dust extractor. Looking for hands on inputs. I know they are both the same power, one is just a bit taller….I’ll be portable mostly, no shop yet. Thanks for your inputs.
Edited 4/16/2006 2:16 pm ET by zorrosdens
Can't help with specifics, sorry, I have a Fein Turbo II. But I have a Festool Circ saw/guide system, and if the vac is anything close, you can't go wrong.
Jake Gulick
[email protected]
CarriageHouse Design
Black Rock, CT
Thanks, the Fein is ALOT quieter than the Festool, but I like the Festool's storage ability, it's "fairly" quieter than my shop vac, and their Installers cleaning tool set-up and storage box all just stores/handles well to me. Thanks again.
you definitely need the ct22
That's been my the smaller, yet, just as capable, unit best for me since I'm mobil or...with the high cost anyway should I just get the bit bigger dog for the possible future...Racks my head this stuff does. Appreciate your input and you may be right...go with present, probably, long term convenience (the smaller unit).
I'll be doing this transaction on Monday if they go with this proposal, so anymore input is appreciated much.
Edited 4/16/2006 3:50 pm ET by zorrosdens
The CT 22 rocks. I thought about the 33 but I need the room in the van for other stuff.
If I had a shop I'd get the 33 for sure but after hearing this input from you all I believe I'd be happier toting the CT 22E around in the long haul.....THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts, made good sense.
Just get the 22 and move on.
33 or another 22 as the need arises.
Just got the packages from Festool today....CT 22E, ES 125 EQ-Plus,Hose Hook (CT),Cleaning setf Tradesman (Installers), and couple boxes of sanding discs. I'll start using this weekend on that job I talked of. Thanks for the input.
Congratulations!The ES sanders are very very nice.
And your palm will appreciate the smoothness of the motor.As for the cleaning kit, try to relegate the shop cleaning to a regular shop vac for bulky stuff and use the CT mostly for quick cleaning of very fine particles off freshly sanded surfaces or dust on suraces/floor.The bags/filters and the vac is designed for this, especially with bypass cooling for the motor.The smaller diameter hose used for the tools gives higher velocity at the pickup point such as from the sanders, etc.You will be disappointed if you try to connect a 2" hose from a ShopVac, which will fit and I've done this.
Don't try to vac up wood chips and shavings with the tool hose and accessories.
A large ShopVac will excell in this department and I have one set up with pre-filter bag, HEPA cartridge filter, etc. for this.Enjoy and I know you will.Festo's service is excellent but I haven't had to use it for anything that broke.Also - their sanding disc prices are very good.
Don't waste a lot of time shopping around trying to find a cheaper deal. There probably is a better deal but not by a large margin.
Edited 4/20/2006 8:24 pm ET by AhneedHelp
I do have a larger shop-vac and that is just what I was thinking of doing, at least on a shop environment. I'll keep the extractor for sanding and other Festool items when they come. I will be doing vacuuming of the "over dust" with the cleaning kit as any occurs in customer home arenas, as it's so compact and quieter. You can feel the quality of the machine in the ES 125 EQ plus sander, in EVERY aspect. Beats anything else I've had from the start a longggg time running now.
I do like, and am using, the discs from Festool and I, too,think it IS a good deal mainly for the quality, quantity, and price. I've heard good things about the brilliant class and am using it for now. Appreciate your advice and thinking.