Wondering about the pros and cons of installing one of those old floor grates that would let heat up from the room below. I have a really cold kitchen over a walk-in basement with a pellet stove and thought the grate may be an option. I kind of like that old look and assume it works because they didn’t do much back then that didn’t.
Anybody have any feedback on that?
Oh and to those that helped me on my septic tank/drainfield issue….We’re froze up here but I’ve been able to limp along and hope to continue that til spring when I can take a better look. Really tried to reduce water consumption but it’s tough with a set of teenage girls. Tank pumping bills are high……..
Appreciate everybody’s help on that deal.
"Really tried to reduce water consumption but it's tough with a set of teenage girls"
When I moved into my current house, the bath (only one in the house at the time) needed to be gutted and rebuilt, including the door. It was amazing how much shorter showers became once the door was off! In fact, once I noticed the the dramatic positive ecological impact of losing the door, it took me about two years to get around to making one! LOL!
I'm just sayin' . . . .
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
Warm air doesn't really rise. It is displaced by heavier cold air.
You will need to find a way to 'return' cold to the basement. Otherwise you will need to 'force' the warm air to where you want it.
Remodeling Contractor just on the other side of the Glass City