I have a 15 year [best guess] old gas fired cirulating hot water furnace – located In Toronto, Canada. I lost heat last week and the thermocouple had to be replaced. I was told that the refractory was cracked and posed a potential danger of breaking and interfering with the flame, and was given a 7 day warning to repair or replace.
Estimated cost of repair – about US$600 – to replace US$2600. Suggested rplacement is a Burnham. The old furnace is nothing special and I have spent a lot of money on servicingng it in the 13 years I’ve been in the house.
1. How do I decide to repair/replace?
2. never heard of Burnham – is it a known brand?
To compound the issue, I had the gas company come to take a look. The guy said there was no way to know if the refractory needed replacing unless the furnace was dismantled and cleaned which would cost $150. and since they were backlogged, would be six weeks before they could come in. [Gas company has been deregulated and understaffed]. This casts doubts on whether anything is really wrong.
I normally do all my renovations and can tell if a somebodies trying to rip me off. But I’m stuck on this, and times running out.
I have a 15 year [best guess] old gas fired cirulating hot water furnace - located In Toronto, Canada. I lost heat last week and the thermocouple had to be replaced. I was told that the refractory was cracked and posed a potential danger of breaking and interfering with the flame, and was given a 7 day warning to repair or replace.
Estimated cost of repair - about US$600 - to replace US$2600. Suggested rplacement is a Burnham. The old furnace is nothing special and I have spent a lot of money on servicingng it in the 13 years I've been in the house.
1. How do I decide to repair/replace?
2. never heard of Burnham - is it a known brand?
To compound the issue, I had the gas company come to take a look. The guy said there was no way to know if the refractory needed replacing unless the furnace was dismantled and cleaned which would cost $150. and since they were backlogged, would be six weeks before they could come in. [Gas company has been deregulated and understaffed]. This casts doubts on whether anything is really wrong.
I normally do all my renovations and can tell if a somebodies trying to rip me off. But I'm stuck on this, and times running out.