Garage access door landing dilemma……

Hi, I’ve been lurking for quite a while, and learning tons, thanks to all.
I have a house that will soon be under construction, garage is on grade with the house subfloor. Exterior walls ICF, TJI joist.
Near the corner of the garage, we’ve added a door with a landing that will be roughly 6’2″ by 3′-10″. The area below in the basement area will be a utility room. (see attached file)
At present I can see a couple of ways to deal with this area and that’s where I need assistnce.
1. Pour an interior concrete wall, extend the garage floor onto this wall which will create the landing and supporting area for the rim joist and TJI. The only problem I can see is the loss of that small foot print out of the basement, and a bit of extra fiddling with the framing around that area.
2. Use the ICF’s to form a square corner where the garage floor meets the exterior wall with the door. Since the garage and house are on grade, use the TJI’s to create the landing out using the house floor joist. One advantage is I don’t loose the space in the basement, but now I have to be concerned with the possiblity of having outside “stuff” snow off boots, dust/dirt from the landing making it’s way down into the basement. I would insulate the floor of the landing since the garage area will be cooler than the basement. What do you think of using a Kerdi mat seal the landing floor?
What other methods of dealing with this am I missing? Pros – Cons that I can’t see?
Thanks in advance.
Could you post more plan? Is this the first floor shown? If I'm understanding this right the access door leads to the garage from the exterior, so you have a porch/stoop condition? If this is so, why not build the foundation to follow the house (not garage) walls.
Sure can, here's a larger picture.....again from the ground floor, maybe this will help.Rippy
What about this?