general contractor tools for sale in CT

after 20 years general contractor getting out of the business lots of tools for sale thought I would offer here first before anywhere else give me a email @ [email protected]
,bostich framing coil gun just rebuilt $75.00 ,with some nails
bostich coil siding gun used one job $125.00 ,with some nails
proctor wall jack 17′ pole $225.00 ,
generac 5000watt generator with large gas tank $850.00( paid $1800.00 new)
bosch sawzall and skillsaw $80.00 for both,
reading 8″ higher than cab steel truck cap for 8′ truck with 4 outside boxes and heavy duty rack on top with lift gate rear door and lights inside and in the outer boxes fits 3/4 ton or larger truck. with custom made rolling tool box,goes on floor of truck and has 3 pull out drawers that are 8′ long $750.00
8′ heavy duty dump trailer with 4′ sides and rear fold down gate , with built in rack can carry lumber or ladders on top ,self contained battery and hydraulics, carries about 4000pounds max $1300.00 paid $2800.00 new
gutter outlet punch , like a caulking gun but cuts the outlet for gutters perfect every time $75.00
milwakee rotary hammer drill 18 pound $70.00
2 steel chop saws $50.00 each
hitachi 14″ cut off saw $140.00 with some blades
wall jacks $20.00 each have 6
ladder brackets 2 steel and 2 aluminium $40.00 each
hilti power fastener $100.00 with steel case and some shots
weather guard boxes 1 center consol for truck interior,1- 4 drawer12″h. x 14″w., 1-2 drawer same # and 1 cabinet box 24″h x 14″w $60.00 each paid $550.00 new all in good condition
stihl 036 pro chain saw with 18″ bar $200.00
i also have a lot of other tools to sell just send me a e mail and i will get back to you as soon as possible
Edited 7/3/2007 9:00 pm ET by howsbuilder
Edited 7/3/2007 9:01 pm ET by howsbuilder
Edited 7/4/2007 9:51 am ET by howsbuilder
Edited 7/12/2007 6:37 am ET by howsbuilder
Sorry to see you hang it up. brother.
Huck said it first. I just agreed with him.
Keepin' the tool belt huh? ; )
"Even if embryonic stem cells are absolutely good for nothing at all how can anyone in good conscience be against using them for research given that they are going to be destroyed anyway"? J.Hayes
Hey! I live in East Lyme. Any pump jacks, or a roofers/ladder hoist? What other tools are available?
Sorry you're hanging it up, hope everything goes well in transition.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
I don't mean to hijack a thread, but I've got an older Reimann-Georger ladder hoist I want to sell. I've had it since it was new, and it's in good shape.
It's got a 1-1/2HP electric motor, and has extensions to go to 36".
If you're interested, e-mail me.
Is this unit still available?
I'm in Maine so it would have to go by common carrier.
NickNukem has first dibs at this point. He's in Conn.
If he doesn't want it, you'll be next in line.
You were going to check it out. Does it still get up and go? Or go and get up? Bad pun, I know.
I need to lift materials to a third story deck with no external access, so I'd need every bit of length this thing could reach.
Very interested.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
I've got a doctor's appt. tomorow afternoon, so I'll probably check it out after I get home from that.
I'll get back to you tomorrow eve.
Sounds good. (GL at the docs)
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
Doc's no biggie. I had an ingrown toenail cut out a couple of weeks ago. This is just a follow up visit.
I checked out the hoist this afternoon. The motor and everything run just fine.
There are 4 ladder segments- one 16', two 8', and one 4'.
If you're still interested, I'm still willing to meet in the middle. This weekend is shot, but later next week could work.
Done deal. I'll e-mail youu for particulars.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
sorry i already sold all 4 alum. pump jacks and 6 alum planks that i had ,i have a 5' rolling baker less than 2 years old . a lot of power tools some ladder brackets but never had a laddervator as i always had shingles boomed or had my own forklift if you like send me a e mail and i wil give you my number so we can talk if you like
Is this good news or bad news? You moving into the office or changing careers?
I guess either way good luck to ya.
some what good news, no more long hours estimating, writing contracts, TAXES and drawing plans ,went to work for a decent company ,i drive his truck his tools and every trade is in shop ,mostly service and bath and kitchen remodeling no roofing but pretty much everything else.
it was to much with my wife self employed and kids and my wife works mostly at night the taxes and medical insurance for the family, he pays medical and has a benifit package where he matches 80% not to bad but still doing some smaller side jobs that i can do on my own no more payroll
Glad to hear. Too many guys are selling their stuff so they can eat.
Enjoy the lack of stress.
Hey there howsbuilder,
I'm in Gbury, practically right next door to you! That siding nailer is mighty tempting, I was just looking to buy one this week for a big cedar shingle job coming up. I was planning to buy with plastic though, haha.
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Remodelerator
get back to me i will deal just to unload it i have some nails with it , i ony used it for one house i built in vermont