I need to replace the front porch, and put a roof over it while I’m at it- Plan upright posts atop concrete piers, the posts supporting both the porch deck and roof- I live in N Idaho, where frost heave is a reality, and am planning to go down 2-3 feet with those heavy cardboard like tubes to pour cement to form piers- Question: should I pour a flat footing (eg. 12″x12″ 6″) benearth the pour piers? Ground here is mostly sandy, good drainage- Thanks for any thoughts- Dave
Yes, you need a footing. You could pour a footing then use the sonotubes to form or you could lift the tubes up 8" and support so when you place the concrete is flows out and creates a monolithic footer.
Jon Blakemore
RappahannockINC.com Fredericksburg, VA
That last seems like a good idea- Glad I asked- Much obliged- How do you get those sonotubes off when you're done with them? Thanks again- Dave
You won't need any cement ... you'll get better results with concrete. Sorry, couldn't resist.
The portion of the sonotube below ground will stay in place until iot decomposes, unless you dig a big enough hole so you can get down and peel off the cardboard. The portion above ground can be peeled off like an empty toilet paper roll. Try to do it the next day while the concrete is still green.
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it done the right way.
Thanks Ed- And, what's the difference between concrete and cement?
Cement is an ingredient (the "glue") of concrete.Concrete refers to a mixture of cement, water, and aggregate (coarse and fine).
Jon Blakemore RappahannockINC.com Fredericksburg, VA
I feel so....... well............. silly-
Cdement vs concrete. Think of a c hocolatde c hip cookie. The cement is flour, aggregate is the c hocolate chips, and sand is the sugar. Ok, a little simplified.
Don't feel silly. As a kid it was always a cement truck. And news reporters always talk about the cement sidewalk.
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it done the right way.
Well..... that just makes it...... you know.......... worse-
Much obliged for the input- Reckon I'll go get some sonotubes! Thanks again- Dave-
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Have you checked your local codes as to depth of the footings required, you may have to go as far down as 4' deep to avoid frost heave! Look into it before you start digging....
"Codes" You may not believe this, but in Bonner County, Idaho, the only building codes relate to electrical and septic permits- Thanks for the thought, though- Dave
I'm not sure what kind of porch you are talking about. If you mean the kind that is open underneath you shouldn't need a continuous footing. Sonotubes should be all you need. The diameter of the tubes will depend on how much weight each one has to carry. For a better look the tubes can be left at grade. Put a post anchor in the top of the concrete before it cures. Then use wood posts between concrete and bottom of porch.
I agree with TROYLS1, regardless of code, you have to know the frost depth of your area. Building dept., local contractor, or architect in your area should be able to tell you.
plumbers woulod know the correct depth to avoid frost
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I thought plumbers only knew two things. One of them is payday is on Friday.
see the above responces too.There is aform called the Bigfoot that is plastic and is somewhat conical in shape with a bell at the base so you can pour footing and pier in one. There are variuous sizes and I believe the retailer will have a chart showing amt of crete for each.
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Have a good plan now, I think- Thanks everyone for your thoughts- Much appreciated- Dave